Resting After Embryo Transfer

This week we’re presenting a beautiful study in London, which has been awarded for being the Best Oral Presentation in the Congress and we would like to thank all colleagues that have taken part in it. The study shows what happens to embryos when they get to the uterus, both naturally through the fallopian tubes and after an In Vitro Fertilization treatment through the cervix.

The endometrium (the inner membrane of the uterus) has several motion schemes and during the embryo’s arrival phase, its function is to keep it in the uterine cavity, impeding its expulsion and implantation in inadequate areas.

In this video of an embryo transfer, we can see how the microdrop containing the embryos is moved from one place to another following different motion patterns: undulating, vibratory, slow, fast, and with rest phases.

After an embryo transfer, most of our patients feel guilty for not resting enough, especially when the cycle isn’t successful.

We tell them rest isn’t necessary right after embryo transfer or even during the days after, but they’re surprised by this fact and don’t pay much attention to us.

They’re afraid if they get up or make any kind of effort, such as going to the restroom, the embryos “will fall”; they think they must be alert to keep them in the uterus.

This generates an added anxiety to the stress of not being able to rest as much as they’d wish. Additionally, this coincides with the most nerve-generating and emotional lability phase: the two week wait until the pregnancy test.

It’s a waiting period that’s full of desire and hope that the embryos will implant, full of fear of failure and full of emotion.

These findings downplay the importance of rest and support the early mobilization of patients after embryo transfer. I believe it will help to know that implantation doesn’t depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and that once embryos arrive to our uterus, the endometrium is in charge of the rest…

It’s as if it cradled the the embryos for their implantation in a good spot!


  1. padmini Reply

    I have undergone embroyo transfer on 2nd may 2016 . today is day 2 after transfer. I am very anxious….sometimes I feel there is some symptom sometime nothing. this 2week wait is very long….can’t see what’s happening inside me. just praying that it succeeds and I have a healthy baby. praying to God desperately.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Hello Padmini,
      Thank you for joining us.
      I hope you are doing well. Try to think positive, try to be as relaxed as you can. I know this 2 weeks wait is very long… and that you don’t have any control over it; all you can do is think positive. I hope it helps you. I wish you very good luck.

      • Tlhogi Reply

        Just had my embryos transferred two weeks ago and both failed! I was the most relaxed and thinking positive, I am so shuttered. Hubby wants to try again but my heart is truly not ready for all the anxiety and injections pills creams etc.

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Tlhogi,

          Sometimes it is good to have a rest, since the process might be tough and tiresome. We recommend you to talk to your doctor to see when it is the best time for you to try again.

          I hope I have helped.

          Good luck!

        • Christine Reply

          I also had 3 frozen embryo transferred on the 3rd of april .on 17th of April started bleeding. I still have to embryos left my husband don’t want us to try again. Saying God time it’s best; I do agree with him but reality is age it’s not by myour site.

        • Christine Reply

          I also had 3 frozen embryo transferred on the 3rd of april .on 17th of April started bleeding. I still have to embryos left my husband don’t want us to try again. Saying God time it’s best; I do agree with him but reality is age it’s not by my site. Still want to try again.

          • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón

            Dear Christine,

            It is a very stressful process. Maybe you should take a break and try it later on when your husband is ready again.

            Warm regards,

    • Laura Reply

      Hi Dr,
      I had my transfer yesterday and last night I had the worst nights sleep. I’m so anxious about the 2ww it took me ages to get to sleep and then I kept waking up every 2 hours. I was also very hot in bed. I’m worried that I’ve affected the embryos and implantation chances. I hope you can help me please.

      • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

        Dear Laura, first of all, don’t worry about this last night. There is no any scientific evidence that correlates the psychological stress and the impairment of the implantation results. My recommendation is try to avoid potential stressful stimuli and carry a relaxing life styling. Looking for a psychological assessment that could be also a good option. Very good luck.

        • Sinead Reply

          Hi I am on day 10 after a 5 day transfer and had brown spotting this morning which has turned to pinkish red now with little little clots!! Is this cycle failed now!! I don’t test for 3 more days

          • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón

            Dear Sinead,

            Some spotting can happens during waiting for the pregnancy test, anyway we suggest you to contact your doctor and explain the situation.

            Kind regards

          • Jaya

            I m also getting little pink discharge . Any process on your case ? Success ? Please reply i have test on 27 th of this month. 3 days to go

          • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón

            Dear Jaya,

            Please be at ease and do not worry. Wait until you do the new control and follow your doctor instructions. It is advisable to rest in case of staining.

            I wish you all the best.

            Kind regards.

        • Jenalyn moore Reply

          Hello doc
          My name is jena
          I had my transfer 1 day ago
          Im just wondering and also confused
          If what kind of foods i should it and should avoid while waiting 2ww

          Also when it comes to fruits
          I dont really know what i can have
          Im being so careful not to do anything bad to my embryos

          Pls hope to hear from you soon

          • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón

            Dear Jenalyn,

            In order to increase the chances of getting pregnant, we recommend healthy habits as far as lifestyle and diet are concerned. You can eat any fruit you want as it is not proven that there are some that can affect the implantation of the embryo.

            Wish you the best of luck!

            Warm regards,

        • Helen Reply

          Hi Dr. This is Helen I transferred freez embryo today for second time but my doctor doesn’t recommended me any think then I fill cold and I put hot bottle for one minute on my lower abdomen today and my feet. Does have any side effect?

          • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón

            Dear Helen. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

    • Nikki Reply

      Thank you for the study and this article. I feel much comfortable after reading it. I had an embryo transfer yesterday and I felt uneasy cause I had to go to the restroom 1 hour later transfer. I’d like to share this article with women who are suffering from infertility through the internet community. It will give us a big comfort. Thank you again.

      • Raye Reply

        Dear Marisa,

        I have a 2 year old, my first IVF miracle who was the result of a double 3 day transfer. We then went on to have a failed single 3 day transfer last year. We hit the jackpot earlier this year after starting a new Fresh Cycle only for it ot end in miscarriage! So this month we do another FET single 5 day blastocyst this time. I have got to the point I feel this time may be our last time – also I want to carry on as normal and not take days and days of work to rest as I have done in the past. So I thank you for this very useful article.

        Question 1 : During 2ww can I carry on with my Boxercise Class (high impact workout class once a week 45 mins) and also Aquafit (half hour low impact aerobics in the swimming pool) ?

        Question 2 : I have some social functions coming up is it safe during 2ww to have the odd glass of alcohol? In the past I have completely abstained but as I say this time I just want to carry on as normal as I can.


        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear friend,
          My recommendation is not to do any sport, and especially if it is an impact one. Also, please avoid all alcoholic beverages; until you get the pregnancy test done, since alcohol, even in small amounts can bring irreversible consequences for the foetus. Also, do not bath or dive in the pool, so that I would also advise you against Aquafit until you have the certainty that there is or not a pregnancy.
          I hope this will help you.
          All the best.

  2. Amy Reply

    I had my embryo transfer yesterday and I feel like I’m about to start my period. I have bad cramps in the lower part of my stomach. Would it be pointless doing a pregnancy test now?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Amy,
      Thank you for joining us.

      There is no use on doing a pregnancy test today. The pain you can feel probably comes from slight uterine contractions that are relatively frequent after transfer. Stick to the pregnancy test date that you were given.

      Kindest regards

  3. dhammika Reply

    I had my embryo transfer yesterday. We had to come back home by a cab and it tooks around1 1/2 hr journey from hospital to home. Speed bumps, pot holes, train tracks and other rough terrain made me a sick. When I get back home I noticed red spots and time to time had pain in my lower tummy area.. im really scared of something happened to my baby inside. ..

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      DEar Dhammika,

      Thank you very much for your request. Do not worry at all. There is no problem with taking the cab after the embryo transfer. Probably, I think that the red spots and the pain were because of the pass of catheter between the cérvix and not because of the journey.

      Good luck!

  4. hi.i have my embryo transfer last May 15, 2016 .. and after that we flight back home about 45 mins… and then the dr. said take medicine. endometrin. and. estrofem. 2x day each med.. i did all. what they gave me instruction,,i ddnt work 2 days after the embryo transfer… and waited to make. pregnancy blood test. last May 29, 2016…. when. i got my result it was negative… i feel so depressed! why is it negative result,whats wrong with me? i did all what they instructed in me. its possible because i ddnt rest ?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Alma,

      Don’t worry, it not possible that you didn’t get pregnant because you didn’t rest. It was not your fault. There was certainly others reasons, but we can’t help you to find out them because we don’t know your medical history and we don’t have enough information about your treatment.

      Warm regards

  5. Milica Reply

    Dear Doctor,
    Is it OK to masturbate after natural cycle FET? Thank you.

  6. hopefulmom2b Reply

    2 day post transfer but have been feeling crampy and sore boobs. Is this normal? Kinda feels pre menstrual? Is this normal?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear hopefulmom2b,

      Don’t worry, these kind of symptoms may be normal.

      Good luck!

  7. Christine Frawley Reply

    I had my FET done just today. I’ve been relaxing for the most part, except for when I have to go to the restroom or have to do my medications as instructed. I had to lean over for a while for my husband to give me my progesterone oil injection tonight and felt so nervous that this position would harm the embryos in some way. Can bending over or sudden movements ruin your chances in any way?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Christine,

      Thank you very much for your question. There is no need to rest after the transfer. Therefore, you are not going to damage your embryos. There is no problem, just do a normal life.

      Good luck!

  8. grail Reply

    Dear dr,
    I had my first IVF last june 2016 and it was negative. Is it okay to have another IVF this july? is it okay to take a bath just after FET?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Grail,

      You can try again in July. It’s ok to take a bath after the embryo transfer, no problem.


      • Naomi Reply

        No it’s not okay to have a bath after transfer. Avoid for at least a week.

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Naomi,
          After transfer what we recommend patients to avoid bathing for a long time in beaches or pools to avoid urinary tract infections not because it interferes with the process of implantation of the embryo.
          Warmest regards,

          • Camilla

            Dear Doctor,
            I had an FET on Sunday and my Accupuncturist who has 30 years of experience put a couple of needles directly below my below button but not near the lower abdomen. I’m worried she shouldn’t have put any needles in my belly. Could she have disrupted the embryo from implantating? I’ve asked several other specialists some say it’s ok to have a couple of needles in the belly but not near the lower abdomen and others say don’t touch the belly.

          • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón

            Dear Camilla,

            I am very sorry but can’t give you a specific answer, I think there would be no problem, but I’m not an acupuncturist, so I recommend you talk to your acupuncturist and solve your doubts.

            I wish you a Good luck for your pregnancy

        • Lulu Reply

          My clinic advises not to take hot baths during the 2 week wait, and not to use hot water bottles or heat pads on the stomach during this time.

  9. Caroline Reply

    Dear Dr. Marisa López-Teijón,
    I had my egg retrieval on June 1, 2016, and I didn’t transfer the embryo after that because of OHSS(ascites), my doctor asked me back to transfer the embryo(frozen) after 2 times of period, which means I am going to transfer the embryo at the beginning of August, 2016, but I already scheduled to go abroad for 2 weeks holiday in the middle August, I have to take 11 hrs plane, Can I take the plane around 1 week after the transfer?

  10. Doctor,I had my transfer yesterday,I really wanna know,is taking bed rest very much insisted or carrying a normal life is fine and I am very much used taking a cup of coffee everyday evening,is that fine?pls let me know

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Priya,
      Thank you for joining us.
      You can carry a normal life, you don’t need to rest at all. And of course you can have your cup of coffee.
      Kind regards,

      • Donna Reply

        Hello doctor, I’m just have IVF /et on November 01, then two days after I feel very itchy my vigina. I put petroleum jelly. Is it safe ? Is it not affect the success of my pregnancy . I also work 8 hours a day . My nature of work is driving , walking , standing at least 2 hours wiping tables etc .
        Thank u and have a good day

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Donna,

          I am very sorry but I have not any information about safety data regarding the use of Petroleum jelly during pregnancy.

          Kind Regards,

          • Allie

            Hello everyone
            I’m on my 3rd day after ET.feeling soreness and restless in my legs and feel like a big clot in upper right arm.watery going nuts.please help out and guide me through.

          • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón

            Hello Allie,
            our best advice is urgently ask your gynecologist.

            Kind regards,

      • Lolitta Reply

        I did ivf 3 times the first one i rest for 15 days just go to the restroom.
        The 2 they ask us about froozen and the response is yes the day of the enbryo transfer they told me no one survive and continue to be frozen the cycle is unssuccefel .
        The 3rd was yesterday and the dr told me the another 3 embyo will be frozen maybe today they send msg no one can be frozen what’s the reason and this resulat affect the embryo already transfered i mean the cycle maybe unssuccefel???

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Lolita,

          From what you tell me in your post, I guess the embryo that was transferred was chosen because it was probably the one with the best quality. The fact that the other 3 could not be frozen is possibly due to chromosomic alterations that could prevent a correct cell division. An embryo whose cells do not divide to an adequate rhythm will never be transferred. If embryos block and stop dividing, then they cannot be transferred to the uterus.

          I hope that when you take your pregnancy test in two weeks you will get good news. In case you do not get pregnant, it would be advisable to carry out some embryo previous studies before your next IVF (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) in order to discard those embryos with chromosomic alterations and select those dividing correctly, hence apt to be transferred.

          Best of luck.

  11. Fhey Reply

    Dear doc,
    Will it effect my chance of having a baby if we had few sex after few days of the embryo transfer? I did the ET last 9 aug? We were on ICSI-IVF? And also is going up and downstair at home and vacuuming the house have a negative impact to the baby? Thank you.schedule of my preg test is on 24 aug.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Fhey,
      Don’t worry, having sex after the embryo transfer can’t affect the results. You can have a normal life, do stairs and clean your home.
      Good luck!

  12. shraddha Reply

    Hi dr. I had my transfer 3 days ago. On my second day i had a attack of Diarrhea. Will this have any effect on my transfer success? Also i have moments when i feel nauseous and also have a loss of apetite. Will these effect success chances. Since i live on the third floor is it okay to do stairs atleast once a day as we dont have lift service?

    Best regards

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Shraddha,

      Don’t worry, the attack of Diarrhea won’t have any effect on you transfer success. It’s ok to do stairs daily.

      Good luck!

    • Tuyet Tran Reply

      Sorry, I didn’t finish my comment and accidentally press on the send.
      I have been searching on google and servals people has say that I suppose to feel different like cramping…. But so far I have not feel anything. Does that mean my cycle has failed?

      • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

        Dear Tuyet,

        Don´t worry, every person and every cycle are different, it is not a bad sign not feeling anything. The best you can do is trying to stay relaxed and avoid checking information on the web.

        Good luck!

        • qtmi Reply

          I did my transfer on day 3 with 2 embryos transferred
          on june 15 and had one more they
          kept till day 5 but the not make it ?
          what does this mean for are transfer that was done o day 3 ?
          also is it safe to have sex? or do we wait till organic test?
          many thanks
          kind regards qtmi

          • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón

            Dear Qtmi,

            We don´t know why your doctor decide to transfer the embryos on day 3, it could depend from different factors. Usually we suggest to avoid sexual activity with penetration until the day of the pregnancy test.

            Kind regards and good luck

  13. Hira Reply

    Hi I had my embryo transfer yesterday in the morning… Im feeling backache is it normal n also heaviness under my belly button

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Hira,

      These symptoms could be normal after an embryo transfer.

      Good luck and best regards

  14. Ambreen Basit Reply

    Aoa Dr I had ET transfer after 24 hours I take a bath it is OK with it or any problem to take a bath .? I am worried

  15. Katie Reply

    Dear Dr,

    Is it safe to drive stick shift (manual) car for 25miles after Embryo transfer?

    Thank you!

  16. Mary Reply

    Hi Dr,

    I had my fresh ET on 30th aug. I started bleeding & mild cramping on day 10 after ET. Firstly, the blood color was dark brown and in day 11 it turn to red color. There is any chances that i am pregnant with my current condition? This is my first attempt of IVF.


    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Mary,

      It is possible that cramping and bleeding are related to embryo implantation and not necessary because of implantation failure and incoming period.
      So, first of all you need to have a pregnacy test done, possibly by betaHCG detection in a blood sample.

      I hope you will have a positive result!

      Best regards

  17. Niki Reply

    I had my ET yesterday. From the scan i could see that the blastocyst was not placed at the center of the uterine cavity. Also it was not showing any movement after transfer. The duration between getting the blast from lab and transferring into my uterus was also arnd 3-4 mins. Can these factors affect the success?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Niki,

      These factors don’t affect the success of the treatment.

      Inside the womb, after the transfer, the embryo is in movement.

      Best regards

  18. Monali Reply

    Hello , Dr. Marisa, myself is dr.Monali i am a pathologist,28 yrs old weight-60kg . I underwent an IVF cycle wid 2 FET in 2015 but they failed . Everything ws healthy wid good endo lining n vascular flow wid proper medications dat time my doctor suggested bed rest for whole 2 weeks wait period, n I did rest wid mild walking. Now again started wid new IVF cycle, did my1st FET in July bt again the preg test negativ n dis time too doctors suggested only rest no lining ws 12mm thick bt still… Now i am having my next FET next month. Am anxious n worried Wat more precautions r needed? Rest or normal life? Plz suggest me Is dis rest hindering my embryo implantation ?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Monali,
      I hope you are doing well.
      In our clinic, we don’t recommend any rest after embryo transfer, unless there is a clinical condition that requires rest. We recommend our patients to continue working!.
      I hope it helps you.

      • Monali Reply

        Thank you so much for clearing the rest issues post embryo transfer! Feeling good! I am having my embryo transfer next month, hope so all goes well wid successful pregnancy. Am still positive n excited. Thanx again

    • Goitse Phiri Reply

      I have a pain In abdomen n clear fluid during mentuaration why

      • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

        Hi Goitse. You should talk to your gyanecologist, as establishing such a diagnosis remotely is not possible. Best regards.

  19. Jyotika Reply

    Hi doc i had embryo transfer two days before and yesterday i had a bad day i pushed the doors wid my legs in erge of anger i shouted at my husband had an heated argument … now m sooo worried i did a big mistake i wnt be able to preg now ???

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Jyotika,

      Thank you to write for us!

      Don’t worry about what happened yesterday. It’s don’t affect the embryo implantation.

      Best regards and good luck

  20. Judy Reply

    Hi doctor , had my blastocyct transfer yesterday and I had sex with my husband today . I’m scared we could have upset the balance of things in there.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Judy,

      Don’t worry.

      After transfer you must have a “normal life”.

      Best regards

      • dondon Reply

        i had my transfer 13days ago ,i did urine test the positive line is show but not very clear.
        my breast hurts .

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Dondon,

          You should have a blood test to confirm the pregnancy.

          Best regards

  21. stephanie Reply

    Dear Doctor
    I had my transfer yesterday, but had zero rest after the procedure, and went to the loo immediately, where unfortunately i had to strain as bladder was too full (i was not even able to sit on the toilets as they were dirty, so had to raise a bit which made me work on my abdominals….). Could have this caused uterine contraction and therefore be dangerous for the embryos? I have been so stressed since then
    Thanks a million

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Stephanie,

      Don´t worry, that couldn´t have caused uterine contraction dangerous for the embryos.

      Kind regards

  22. Reena Mehta Reply

    Hello doctor-

    I had an embryo transfer and my bladder felt overly full in the 30 min I had to remain still afterwards and I felt my bladder contract a few times. I heard an overly full bladder can cause uterine contractions or dislodge the embryos- is this true? Is this something to worry about?

    Thank you!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Reena,

      You dont need to worry at all, this kind of contractions is very ´light and can´t dislodge the embryos.

      Kind regards

  23. Grace Reply

    Roughly 8hours after my embryo transfer, I was mistakenly hit on my Tommy. Will this post danger Pls I’m scared

  24. Ese k Reply

    Hi, I had my embryo transfer yesterday. But been suffering from anxiety and insomnia. Hoping the fact I haven’t slept well won’t hurt my fet.

  25. Anna Reply

    Hi, I had my FET today. Have been suffering from mild coughing since yesterday. Doesn it have an impact on transfer. I didn’t cough during procedure. Kindly tell me about food precautions, bed rest and hot both etc .

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Anna,

      You should not worry about mild coughing before or even during the transfer, this will not affect the final result. Regarding food precautions you should consult your attending physician, but we would certainly recommend you to cook all your food (ie no smoked salmon) and use pasteurized products regarding milk and cheeses. We wish you the best of luck!

  26. Lizbeth Reply

    Hi Dr.

    I had a frozen embryo transfer on Thursday, and I am really not feeling any differently. No significant cramping, no spotting, etc. Is that a discouraging sign that my embryo likely didn’t implant? Not sure what I should “expect” or if there are any “good” or “bad” signs to be paying attention to. Or does it differ for everyone and there is simply zero way of knowing until the blood test?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Lizbeth,

      You don´t have to worry. It is absolutely normal to not experience any change in your body. You have to wait until the day of your pregnancy test in order to be sure about the results.

      Good luck!

  27. Keerthi Reply

    Hello doctor. FET transfered two days back. Its second time to me. First time results showing it complete bed rest necessary these 2 weeks!? That lying straight on bed without turning sides? How to increase blood flow to my uterus for successing my ivf? Please advise me which type of food I have to take for increasing success rate….I really worrying

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Keerthi,

      You don´t need to rest completely, we suggest to have a normal life, just try to avoid strong strains.

      Good luck!

      • Anna Reply

        Dear Dr, in terms of avoiding strong strains, does this include constipation? 2 days post frozen embryo transfer I had seveve constipation and had to push v hard for a few mins, is this dangerous? I drink lots of water and have plenty of fibre but I have always had this problem.

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Anna,

          Don´t worry that is not dangerous for the embryos. We suggest you to try with an enema.

          Kind regards and good luck

          • Anna

            Thank you so much Dr, appreciate your quick response

          • Anna

            Dear Doctor, sorry to trouble you again but I had another transfer this morning and an hr later I had to strain quite hard with constipation:( Does the same answer apply so very soon post transfer?

  28. yk Reply

    I have 7 days after embryo transfer…there r no symptoms…no negative,no positive…I m confuse that result will come positive or negative….I m taking full bad rest…I hope result comes positive…

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear yk

      You don´t have to worry. It is absolutely normal to not experience any change in your body. You have to wait until the day of your pregnancy test in order to be sure about the results.

      Good luck!

  29. Riza Reply

    Hi Dr.
    I just had my embryo transfer last dec 16,2016 but was coughing alot as i was getting off from a bout of bronchitis but has been resting alot

    I went on a trip where the road had alot of bumps, i was just sitting in the car. This was 5 days after transfer

    My question is this, can I actually “pee the embryo” out from riding thru bumpy roads?
    Can you actually see embryos with naked eye?

    This is my first time and i am very worried.


    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Riza,

      It is not possible to see the embryos with naked eyes. Anyway you don´t have to worry, the conduct that you describe can`t affect the result of your treatment.

      Good luck!

  30. yk Reply


    Thank you for your reply…Between 15 days ,isn’t any symptoms I can’t see?…. because i m really waiting for my positive report….but some people says if there is no symptoms in this 15 days,my report may be nagetive…so I m very worried…plz reply me….

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear yk,

      Unfortunately there are no symptoms (or symptoms absence) that can reveal you if you are pregnant or not.

      Try to relax, you can only wait until the pregnancy test.

      Kind regards

  31. Muktha Reply

    Hi Dr.

    On my fresh cycle I had OHSS, after 2 months had my FET (on 19th Dec), from past 3 days I am experiencing frequent urination, constipation, breast tenderness and kind of bloating. Is it normal to have. Is it the side effects of medications I am taking??

  32. Dada Reply

    Dear Dr. Lopez,
    I had FET 8 days ago. I am trying to behave normally to maintain circulation, but my feet are constantly cold. I have been reading stuff like “cold feet, cold uterus”. Is there any truth in that?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Dada,

      Don´t worry at all, it is not true. It could happen to have a bad circulation but that doesn´t mean that something is wrong with your treatment.

      Good luck!

  33. esha Reply

    I have 28 days after et.but there is no symptoms..I m so nervous.after 2 days my hcg report.finger crossing,what will result?…

  34. Lhen Reply

    Hello. I had. Embryos transfer on jan 6/17, i been resting since then. But i been having a cramps and one sharp one. I’m so scared . I also have the symptoms of up coming period. Is this normal .

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Lhen,

      Don´t worry at all, It could happen to have cramps and symptoms of the period but that doesn´t mean necessarily that something is wrong with your treatment.

      Good luck

  35. Nithya Reply

    I got ET done on 31st Dec 16. Painful from today onwards and bit of bleeding makes unrest and depressed. Any suggestions. Thank you

  36. Emily Reply

    I had a fresh transfer on 1st Jan with your clinic . My partner and I had an argument tonight.. I slammed the door and was shaking, I’m worried I impacted the embryo and if it’s ok?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Emily,

      Don’t worry about the embryo. I’m sure it’s fine.

      Good luck in your pregnancy test!

  37. Anna Reply

    Is it safe to take a flight a few hrs after embryo transfer or would you recommend waiting a day or two?

  38. Rubina Reply

    Dear dr. I always put lot of pressure to urinate. So is this pressure can make embryo fall out? Also i have constipation, does the pressure can cause embryo fall out? I am really worry . plz ler me know


    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Rubina,

      Don´t worry at all. This kind of pressure can´t cause embryo fall out.

      Kind regards

      • Rubina Reply

        Thank you so much for your reply. I also want to emphasize that my urine does not come out clearly at once. So i always push 3 to 4 time to make it clear from my bladder. I am really worry if thats the reason my embryo falls. I do the same thinh when i pooh. Hopefully embryo will not fall out. I had 2 failed ivf and just had transfer for 3rd ivf. Plz keep me in your prayers.

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Rubina,

          Really there are no reason to be worried, try to be positive and to relax.

          Kind regards

  39. Ling Reply

    I had my ET last Thursday. In the last 3 nights I slept on a heating pad to warm my back. Will it be too hot that harm the implantation or development of the embryo? And I will have the blood test tomorrow, would it be too early?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Ling,

      Don’t worry, the heat couldn´t compromise the implantation or development of the embryo. If your doctor suggest to have the blood test tomorrow that means that it is the correct date.

      Good luck!

  40. Anna Reply

    Dear Dr I’m having my transfer in a few days and have been taking one baby aspirin per day. Should I stop or continue? I’ve read online conflicting information; some experts saying it helps implantation and others saying it inhibits. I’ve had 4 previous miscarriages due to abnormalities, I’m 43 and no history of immune or clotting disorders. Thank you

  41. Ema Reply

    Dear Dr Marissa,

    My doctor told me that my lining had only partially developed in that the right side responded to hormonal stimulation to produce a 9.5mm thickness but the left side was quite thin at 2mm. I had my first FET yesterday but I was curious as to whether the uterine motion will cause the embryo to implant on the thicker or is it more random?

    Additionally, my instructions were to resume normal activity so I did a 30 minute unheated yoga session yesterday and I went to bed with my blankets on afterwards and I woke up this morning face down with a light sweat. I wanted to check whether that is likely to influence the outcome.

    Thank you in advance!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Ema,

      Don’t worry about that. The embryo will find the best place to implant. You can continue with yoga sessions.

      Good luck!

  42. Vasanthi Reply

    Dear Dr I’m having my transfer in a few days. What kind of food i should take.
    Past 2 days im thinking too much and fully of stress. Doesn it have an impact on transfer.

    Tqvm for your kindly reply.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Vasanthi,

      You don’t need to worry if you are stressed, just try to relax as much as you can. There are no food indicated in that case, you can eat what you prefer.

      Good luck!

  43. Shruti Reply

    Hi Dr, had my et few days back. My et measured 12.4 mm on the 3rd day. Initially my stomack felt little swelled bit last 2 days i dont feel like that. Also due to allergy i sneeze a lot. I sneeze really hard yday that my whole body shakes. Hope it will not affect embryo. Pls suggest anything that i shoukd take carr about.
    Please keep me in ur blessings.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Shruti,

      Don’t worry at all, that can’t affect the embryo. We suggest to have normal life and try to relax as much as you can.

      Good luck!

  44. K Reply

    Hi I had my day 5 transfer yesterday we put in 2 blastocyst. Unfortunately I have had a head cold for a few days, no fever but allot of coughing. Will this in any way affect my chances of getting pregnant? Please help this is our second try at this.

  45. Elona Reply

    Dear Dr.
    I had my day 5 transfere on 14 Feb.Useless ti say I have been anxious sleepless etc…I m taking some progresterone vaginal gel 2×1 that usually results in some white discharges.Just this morning I saw sth like jelly that hot me very worried.I thought:thats my embryos…I am horrified right now.I have been smoking some cigarettes, I couldnt resist.Have i ruined it all???

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Elona,

      You shouldn’t worry about any vaginal discharge during these days, except for bleeding. The use of progesterone vaginally can give you abnormal discharge.

      Embryos are microscopic, so you would never be able to see them.

      Hoping that you will get a good result on your treatment,

  46. Asha Reply

    Hi, am 38 and 19th Feb I had 2 blastocyst transfer and on 17th Feb one day 3 transfer. No symptoms yet, am little scared. What to expect ? Any advice?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Asha;
      I hope you are feeling well. Not having any symptoms doesn’t mean you will not become pregnant. Try to think positive until the pregnancy test. That’s my advice.
      Kind regards

  47. aaliya Reply

    Hi doc i weighted 73 kg for ivf treatment i reduced my weight to 65 its been 3 month after aspiration now i have to go for FET this month but i have gain 4 kg of weight will it effect my chances of getting pregnant and plz let me know does my belly fat effect my baby growth inside the womb

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear aaliya,

      In this case is your Dr who has to value the situation and decide if it possible to go ahead with the embryo transfer.

      Kind regards

  48. Ann Reply

    Hello Dr.
    I am 3 days post 5 days embryo transfer, i am just feeling soreness and body ache all over, I am not having any cramps symptoms and I am freaking out!!,

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Ann,

      Don’t worry at all, it is normal not to have symptoms during the waiting.

      Good luck!

  49. Pam Reply

    I had my et on the 28th feb 2017. Everything was fine until the 8day when I had a brown discharge & then Little bit of pink spotting. But on the 9th day the discharge was too much n there was a bleed as well. I’m having slight cramps as well. M due to test in two days. But I was so scared that I did a pregnancy test at home which was positive. Is there anything to worry about?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Pam,

      We suggest you to consult your doctor informing about the situation as soon as possible in order to decide how to proceed.

      Have a nice day

      • Anita roy Reply

        Dear Dr, thank you very much for your reply.. One more question, after blastocyst transfer, my breast was very much tender for 3 days. Nipples were swallowing.. But today is 8th day.. My breast is normal .. There is no any swallowing nor tender.. Is not happened implantation?

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Anita,
          This is not enough evidence to suggest you are not pregnant. I strongly suggest to continue your medication and wait for the day of your pregnancy test. I wish you the best of luck.

  50. LAs Reply

    Hi Dr

    reading your comments really helps. Thank you so much. is it fine to eat spicy food after ET?

  51. Grace Reply

    Hi I had my transfer yesterday frozen cycle and have felt no different what so ever my last fresh cycle I felt cramping etc but at the end was a negative result I’m so scared Im going to get another negative any tips in how to change my mind set to being realistic but positive.
    This was our only one left graded as 4ab put back same as before was frozen is that good or bad?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Grace,

      You’ve transfered a high score blastocyst (4AB), wich means that your chances of a positive pregnancy test is high

      If you get a negative pregnancy test on this tratment (hope not), and you’ve already trasferred other high score blastocysts before, you migh need to perform an implantation study, just to make sure that there is not a problem that’s making implantation more difficult; this would include diagnostic hysteroscopy, endometrial cultures and biopsy, and blood test with thrombophylia and autoimmune studies.

      Hoping you are going to succeed in this transfer,

  52. Anita roy Reply

    Dear dr, I have done my blastocyst stage transfer on 14th March. On 18 th March i mistakenly bend on floor for cleaning.. And after that I was very much tensed.. Does it affects my embryo? Is it affects to my positive results.. Please dr reply me..I am very much worried..

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Anita,

      We already know that physical activity doesn’t affect implantation, so it’s not important to do any rest after embryo transfer.

      I’m sure that you chances are still high for this treatment!


  53. Lucrezia Reply

    I had e.t. 13.03.17 this is my 8 day …. i dont have any simptoms ….its ok if i made home pragnancy test it will be walid.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Lucrezia,

      If you had a day 5 blastocyst transfer you might have a positive pregnancy test 9-10 days after transfer. Anyway, if it’s negative, you should repeat it later.

      If you had a day 2-3 transfer, you should wait until dat 12-13 to be able to see a positive pregnancy test.


      • Lucrezia Reply

        I made hpt on 11 d.e.t. and it was positiv,on 13 d.e.t. bhcg was 162. I think this is it. This was my second ivf whit FET for second child.
        I dont rest at all , i have one child of 2 years and i must take care of her.
        I hope everything will be ok and god will take care of us. Sorry for my language im from Macedonia.
        Thanks Dr. Marisa for yours good advise.

  54. Anita roy Reply

    Dear Dr, thank you very much for your reply..One more question please.. After blastocyst transfer for 3 days my breast was tender.. My nipples were swallowing.. But for some days , there is no any tenderness and nipples swallowing.. It’s my implantation stopped?

  55. Lisa Carlin Reply

    Hello, I am currently 13 days post donor transfer and stupidly decided to do a pregnancy test day 9, it was negative. Is there any chance it was wrong? I will test again tomorrow in my test date but I am so deflated and miserable.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Lisa,

      Don’t be miserable, and keep your hopes up. Sometimes pregnancy tests can show a false negative result, especially when performed a bit too soon. Whenever we see a negative urine test, we always perform a blood HCG to confirm. I wish you all the best

  56. Nina Reply

    Hello Dr,

    Yesterday was my first ET, we had 2 embryos transferred. I rested throughtout the day, but at night, i had one of those nights my body is generating too much heat, no sweat though. The moment i move around different areas in bed, feels like the surface heats up easily. (I experienced this the night before ET but not as bad).
    I tried drinking more fluid which also might have caused me up to use the BR more often than usual trying to get comfortable.
    On top of that, my Progesterone shots sites were bugging me. I took Tylenol before I finaly fell asleep straight starting at 3:20 am.
    My estrogen levels were high during ER, but been taking Estridiol patches and Progesterone shots regularly as instructed.
    With last night’s experience I was worried with my embryos.
    Thank you.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Nina,

      Evrything that you have mentioned doesn’t seem to be related with implantation.
      Try not to be worried, your chances aren’t affected by what you’ve explained.

  57. Fairy Reply

    After ET can we travel by car for about 4 hours ?

  58. Gayathri Vinod Reply

    I had my ET on wed , 2 5day G1 blasts, after ET they immediately emptied my bladder, and asked me to rest for 4 hours , in the first hour itself I felt like my bladder was full again , but I controlled it till 4th hour n went to pee, then had my intralipid and immunoglobulin IV Infusions , after that I started shivering n felt cold then slept , in mid night when I woke up my bed was very hot , worried till then..

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Gayathri Vinod,

      Don’t worry.

      The hot temperatures and the full bladder don’t affect the embryo implantation.

      Best regards

  59. brenya77 Reply

    I loved this video. I wish I could observe my embryo transfers in much the same way. That said, I don’t think this video actually proves that the uterus is not capable of expelling the embryos – if anything, it is demonstrating that the are actually very powerful contractions within the uterus that move the embryo around – and this patient is lying down! I have read several studies that showed that 25-50% of embryos are found outside of the womb, in the vagina, within 1 hrs of embryo transfer. And these numbers increase for women with higher than normal contractibility of the uterus. It’s strange that the doctors are not telling us that – I have been assured so many times that the embryos simply can’t fall out, but that’s simply not true. Well, they can, and they often do! I have read several studies, and meta-study about possible use of tocolytics (oxytocin antagonists) in an attempt to decrease the contractability of the uterus – and they also say that increased contractions of the uterus diminish the chances of implantation. Nobody is telling us that during IVF. I have gone through 5 failed embryo transfers, 9 embryos in total and not even a slight increase in bHCG, and I have only just found out that the embryos can actually fall out and the contractibility of the uterus is a very important factor in the whole process of implantation. My transfers are difficult, long, exhausting for the doctors and painful to me – I am very sure that the increased estrogen during IVF stimulation is causing increased contractions in my uterus, and the trauma of the transfer is adding to this and my embryos are simply expelled from the uterus before they have a chance to implant.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Brenya,

      Thank you to tell us your opinion.

      The idea in your case is make your transfers easier as possible to increase your probabilities of success.

      Best regards

  60. Gayathri Vinod Reply

    I had my ET on wed , 2 5day G1 blasts, after ET they immediately emptied my bladder, and asked me to rest for 4 hours , in the first hour itself I felt like my bladder was full again , but I controlled it till 4th hour n went to pee, then had my intralipid and immunoglobulin IV Infusions , after that I started shivering n felt cold then slept , in mid night when I woke up my bed was very hot , worried till then..

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Gayathri Vinod,

      Don’t worry.

      The hot temperatures and the full bladder don’t affect the embryo implantation.

      Best regards

  61. Anita roy Reply

    Dear Dr , I had my beta hcg test on Tuesday… It was negative.. I have stopped my all medicine.. Still now i didn’t got my period.. Is there any possibility, that after some days i will get bfp? Is implantation can be happened later? And if not next ivf when I will do?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Anita,

      It’s possible that your period delays some days after the Beta-HCG, if so, you may contact your doctor.

  62. Paola Serrecchia Reply

    10 monutes after embryo transfer I went to the bathroom and strained to.poo due to constipation. Now I am worried that I pushed them out or comprised implementation. Please advise

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Paola,

      Don’t worry, your chances will stay the same. Once the microdrop that contains the embryo is transfered inside the endometrial cavity, it doesn’t matter what you do, it’s not going to change the implantational rate.

      Endometrial movements will start immediately after transfer, and will move the drop up and down through the cavity, form the cervix up to the fundus, and back again

      We presented this results on the Alpha congress 2014, and showed that rest after transfer doesn’t improve implantationa rates.


  63. Bravp Reply

    Hi Dr. I am 5 days past transfer of frozen embryos (4 3 days embryos). No sign of implantation. Mild cramps here and there. That is it. I am so stressed up. Any positive thoughts/vibes. Please

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Bravp,

      I wish you all the best during this days that you have to wait your test.

      A big hug and good vibes

  64. Kim Reply


    I had a 5 day transfer on 5th April with a 3AB blastocyst. Less than 24 hours after transfer I had a bit of a bleed- more than spotting. I then spotted for 3 days after. I have not had anything the past 2 days. Is this common? My test is not due until 16th, could a positive show up sooner?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Kim,

      Can be normal some bleeding after transfer.

      Good luck and fingers crossed!

  65. Suegirluv Reply

    Dear Dr. Löpez-Teijön,
    On the 29.03.2017, I had a donor 5 day blastocyst transfer, on the 07.04. I had sex…it was good, I did not feel any pains afterwards…then on the 10.04.2017 I had a negative blood test result. This is my 5 failed ivf attempt, with good quality embryos. Now, I am bleeding so heavily, I have not bleed like this during a period before….Could the whole of these be as a result of sex I had after transfer. Am I too old for egg donation? Am 43 years young!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Suegirluv,
      You are not too old for egg donation, you’re just in the age group that need these type of treatments!
      Also, it is very unlikely that having sex more than a week after your transfer would have had a negative effect on the treatment or on your period.
      Reasons for failure of implantation should be further discussed with your attending physician, as there are a variety of things to be checked. I wish you luck with your future treatments,

  66. Anonymous Reply

    Scaring affects on pregnancy ?? I woke up suddenly from sleep scared with heart beating very high , 6 weeks pregnant, pls reply me mam

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      You should not worry, being scared at a given moment does not have a negative effect on pregnancy.

  67. Nam Reply

    Hello Doctor
    My embryo transfer procedure completed on Tuesday , it was smooth and dr transferred 4ba quality single embryo.
    Today we went to the park for a walk and while coming to home I controlled my pee for 20 minutes till we reach home , now I am worried I think I did a mistake my controlling pee it might have caused uterus contraction
    Could you please advise .?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Nam,
      You don’t worry about uterine contractions due to a full bladder at this time. I hope the embryo has implanted and you can be surprised with a positive pregnancy test soon. Best of luck!

  68. Lou Reply

    I had a fresh 3day embryo transfer yeaterday and after returning from the hospital I stupidly pulled open a heavy draw and started having cramps on the left side of my ovary. Cramping carried in for a bit but should I be worried?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Lou,

      Experiencing some cramps during your treatment can be normal and should not be taken as a negative symptom if not accompanied with other worrying signs. I wish you the best of luck!

  69. Morgan Reply

    Dear Doctor,
    I had a FET (2 day 5 embryos) yesterday. Dr said everything went very smoothly. But I’m concerned beacuse I couldn’t see the boble with the embryos on the ultrasound screen. The doctor sayied we can’t see the embryos beacuse they are very small. But I know that usually these a boble shown on the screen. I think he also said something about them been in between something, not sure what. What could have go wrong with this transfer?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Morgan,
      Indeed it’s not always posible to see the drop that contains the embryos, however, if the transfer was performed smoothly and the catheter was checked afterwards to ensure the embryo (which is microscopic and can not be seen on the ultrasound scan) is not in the catheter anymore, it seems like it was a good transfer and now it’s up to the embryo and the endometrium to do their job! Good luck!

  70. Dhams Reply

    Hi doc, I have done my FET on April 14, and my blood test will be on April 25.. my 1st IVF was failed because I had bad OHSS after egg collection last yr oct.. I’m in bed rest for I’m started to having some cramps on and off since day 7 transfer kind of same feeling like going to hv my periods . same thing happen during my 1st cycle.. I’m very much worried now.. is it normal to hv such cramps because I hv read in comments, some are telling the same.. I can’t discuss this with hubby because he is very positive about this and I don’t want to spoil it.. this 2ww is really long in my lifetime.. tq

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Dhams,

      Can be normal that you have this syntoms after the embryo transfer.

      Don’t worry about it!

      Best regards

      • anna Reply

        Hi Dr
        I did a blastocyst transfer yesterday. ..please can I travel by road on Friday .That’s 4 days after the transfer
        Its an 8 hour journey and am kind of worried

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Anna,

          We do not recommend post transfer rest so you can travel without any problem! Good luck!

  71. Jenny Reply

    Hi Dr,
    I’m gonna do ET this week, Am i need to do for Fertility Acupuncture?
    And what I have do and don’t do after ET?
    Thank you

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Jenny,

      Acupuncture it’s an option that you can do if you think that you need it.
      After embryotransfer you have to do your normal life, only avoid sexual intercourse and baths

      Good luck!

  72. Joy Reply

    Dear dr
    I had 1 expanded blastocyst (fet) with assisted hatching transfer last may 11,2017. Had been having on and off mild cramping since the transfer. Today (6th day post transfer) I’m feeling slight dizzy and sleepy most of the time. Is this normal side effect of ivf meds.? My bhcg test is still on the 25th of may.
    Thank you.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Joy,

      Pains post embryo transfer could be present come some day after the procedure, the fact that you feel tired and drowsy could be due to the progesterone.

      Good luck!

      • Joy Reply

        Thank you for the response dr
        I have runny nose(watery) and dry cough that started 2 days ago. But today is worse. Can these still be side effects of ivf meds?

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Joy,

          I recommend you talk to your Dr about this symptoms, but it’s not common this kind of symptoms during the IVF treatment.

          Best regards

  73. Ally Reply


    I have been constipated since ER and last night I didn’t think and took a senkot. This morning I have been called in for a 3 day transfer. Will everything be ok? Now I’ve had no relief and I’m worried I’ve put my chances at risk

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Ally,

      Don´t worry, there is no risk for your treatment taking Senkot.

      Kind regards

  74. Silvia Flores Reply

    Hello Dr. I’m 46 years old. I had egg donor transfer on May 23 17. on day five a had sex with my husband and since that moment all cramps and tired are gone. Was that a bad thing to do?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Silvia,

      Don´t worry you didn´t do anything wrong. Most of the people get pregnant naturally and most of the time they don´t know that they are pregnant so they continue having sexual relationship without any complication.

      Kind regards

  75. Jacqueline Reply

    Dear Dr. Marisa,

    My 5-day blastocyst was implanted 4 days ago.

    Can I please ask if it is safe for me to eat cooked seafood (if so, what is best, if not, what should I avoid)?

    Also, can I ride a bicycle and a scooter during this time?

    Thank you kindly for your help.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Jaqueline,

      It is safe to eat cooked fish, you can eat every kind, there is no difference. And of course you can ride a bicycle and a scooter during this time.


  76. joyce Reply

    well had my et 25 /5/17 day 9 after embryo day 5
    currently no symptoms but am having eutucharia rash .any Time I scratch my skin yet to do pt,and this is my 4th attempt will be 39 this pls

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Joyce,

      Our suggestion is to ask your doctor how to proceed in this case.

      Kind regards

  77. zain Ghoghari Reply

    hi dr iam worried abt my vaginal dischargeby watery my Et done on 26th of may today its 9th day of my ET my breast very sore and i have little pain at my uterus also cramping at lower abdomen after 2 days there is my hcg blood test so pls tell it is positive or negetive this is my first time after 9yr of my marraige

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Zain,

      We suggest to wait until the day of your pregnancy test. Your symptoms are very unspecific.

      Kind regards

  78. Laddi Reply

    Hi doctor,

    My wife did 1 embryo FET on 30th May 2017 and today on day 12 (11th June 2017) her p4 dropped from 28 to 26 and E2 from 189 to 188. The doctor gave a progesterone shot today and she’s currently on progesterone and estrogen medication from the beginning.
    Her hcg today is also tested and it’s at 45.

    Do you think she’s preganant? Any good chances the numbers will rise and perhaps double in the upcoming following days blood test?

    Love to her from you.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Laddi,

      Bhgc of 45 means that your wife is pregnant. It is not a very high result, she should have another blood test in two days in order to check if the number will double.

      Kind regards and good luck!

  79. Joujou Reply

    Hi I had my fresh ET (3 days) on last Satuday, today is day 7 after transfer, since day one of transfer I feel strong cramping like the one of period
    Also, i suffer from discharge i can t live my life normally because of the vaginal discharge, today i couldn t reach the toilet, discharges fall before… I took endometrin 3 times a day upon doctor prescription… i m 42 years old, my body produced 13 folics, 4 of them good ones, doctor transferred 2…..
    My question is: is it normal this discharge?? I m worried to know the result since it s my fourth IVF that all failed before….

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Joujou,

      We suggest you to have a control scan with your doctor if the discharges are heavy.


  80. Favour Reply

    I did my first icsi fresh et the eggs was on the 24 of April retrieved the embryo was transferred on 27 April , and it failed with heavy bleeding.
    Now I just had another embryo transfer again on the 22 of June 2017 natural et I don’t want to take any medication at all. But I am always having this burning sensation in my stomach just like the last one that failed, I am so worried, please what does this mean

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Favour,

      It can happens to have this kind of sensation but it doesn´t mean that your treatment will be not successful. Try to be positive and try to relax.

      Kind regards

  81. narayan Reply

    we had Et on 7-6-2017 and beta hcg report on 21-6-17 B-Hcg was 655.4 since from 23 my wife is bit tensed stressed lot and shouted lot with anger and today she is tensed that it may have affected baby inside as tomorrow we will be having urine test. please advice

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Narayan,

      Don´t worry, it is normal to be stressed during a treatment, but this stress can´t affect the baby.

      Kind regards

  82. elg Reply

    Hi Dr. López,
    I had a 5d fet on Wednesday Jun22. Last night I was dreaming my husband and I were having sex and it felt so good that I had an orgasm. I woke up because I could feel it really strong. I went to the WR and tried to calm myself down, but ever since I’ve been worried about those contractions. They told me not to have sex nor have orgasms during the first week after the FET, but I can’t control my dreams. Was this at all dangerous to the embryo, since it’s only day 4 today?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Elg,

      Don´t worry, having an orgasm will not have any consequences in your treatment.

      Good luck!

  83. Anu Reply


    I had my ET on 19th of this month with two embryos transferred. I had my transfer on day 2.

    From past two days I am experiencing leg cramps like how I used to get during my periods. Except leg cramps I have no other symptoms yet. My doctor suggested me two weeks complete bed rest. My blood test is scheduled for July 5th. Having no other symptoms except leg cramps is it normal?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Anu,

      Don´t worry, that symptom could be normal and it doesn´t mean that there is something wrong.

      Good luck!

  84. Tania Reply

    Dear Doc I had my FT with 1 AA category blastocyst on 29th March 2017 but it failed. Now I have my FET on 22nd June 2017 with 1 A category blastocyst with 8.2 uterus lining. M 39 & feeling need for pee again n again this time which I didn’t feel last time. Is it a good sign or no sign at all? M also having mild rest this time though I did complete bed rest last time. when can I have my blood test?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Tania,

      Don´t worry, that symptom could be normal and it doesn´t mean that there is something wrong. You should ask to your doctor when it is the day of your pregnancy test.

      Good luck!

  85. rubi Reply

    hi Dr. I had my ET last june 28 2017 and 7 day after embryo I noticed that I have spotting. is this normal and nothing to worried about? what is also the reason why i have spotting rather than having my menstrual period?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Rubi,

      Some spotting can be normal at this stage, although we suggest you to contact your doctor explaining what is happening.

      Kind regards

  86. Kemisola Reply

    The 2weeks wait is like forever. Don’t know if I can use the broom to sweep as I did my ET yesterday. It’s my first procedure. I was placed on progesterone pessary.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Kemisola,

      We know that waiting for the result is a very hard moment. We suggest you to have normal life and try to relax.

      Good luck!

  87. Fifi Reply

    Hi. I had done my ET 4 days ago and since the night of transfert il feel serios uterin cramps and little fever is it normal, is this cramps can expulse the embryons ?

    • Fifi Reply

      Hi. I had done my ET 4 days ago and since the night of transfert il feel serios uterin cramps and little fever is it normal, is this cramps can expulse the embryons ?

      • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

        Dear Fifi,

        Feeling slight uterine cramps can be normal, and does not necessarily mean things are not going as they should. You can take mild painkillers if necessary. However, if you have a fever, you should speak to your doctor just to be sure to rule out any underlying causes.
        We wish you lots of luck!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Fifi,

      Feeling slight uterine cramps can be normal, and does not necessarily mean things are not going as they should. You can take mild painkillers if necessary. However, if you have a fever, you should speak to your doctor just to be sure to rule out any underlying causes. We wish you lots of luck!

  88. Anna Reply

    Dear Dr. Do you know roughly how long day 5 and a day 6 frozen blastocyst could take to implant? In your honest opinion is it safe to fly during the implantation process or best to wait a few days post transfer? Thank you!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Anna,

      Usually the embryo implant 24-48 hours after the embryo transfer. In our experience it is completely safe to fly during the implantation process.

      Good luck!

  89. Nisha Reply

    Hi Dr.

    I had my fresh embryo transferred DR had told that the procedure went good. This is my second attempt. I had brown discharge after 10 days. It when on for 5days. I was asked to take strone 200 for three time. I had 12 beta hcg result and than after two days 19. I was given injection lonopin 40 every day. I had TVS scan exact after one month. And the Dr told that they cannot see any this is failure and asked to stop strone 200 and injection. But still I have not got my periods. I still have slight dizzy and brestsoreness.

    Kindly suggest

  90. Jenny Reply

    Hi – just had a 3 day embryo transfer yesterday and 5 hours later my very heavy 5 year old daughter hugged me and lifted up her legs so she was dangling off the floor – ie I accidentally lifted something very heavy after embryo transfer – have I negatively impacted the embryo?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Jenny,

      Don´t worry at all, what happened can´t negatively impacted the embryo.

      Kind regards

  91. Amanda Herrera Reply

    I just had my embryo transfer done a few hours ago. I am a would be surrogate for my best friend and her hubby. Anyway, after transfer i came back to the hotel took a 3 hr nap and now i am experiencing the feeling f being nauseous and im a little shakey. Is this normal?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Amanda,

      It seems something not serious, but we suggest you to contact you doctor and explain it.

      Kind regards

  92. Pavitra Reply

    Hello doctor,

    Good day!!!

    I had my embryo transfer yesterday…. I was under bed rest, but during midnight I had to go to rest room for motion that time I had washed by sitting down then I got scared becos of this… kindly advice..

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Pavitra,

      You don´t need to be worried at all, what happened can´t affect your embryo transfer.

      Kind regards

  93. Geeta Reply

    On 8th of this month I did day 3 2 grade b embryos with 7.2 endometrium but I didn’t get any symptoms is it normal

  94. Hope Reply

    Hi Dr. I had my embryo transfer on 8/11/2017 and I feel discouraged because I have absolutely no symptoms. This is my 4th ivf. My first ivf I got pregnant, but that ended in miscarriage. I had lots of symptoms, sore breast, constipation, bloating. The second and third time I just felt like my period was coming and the test came back negative. This is my fourth and no symptoms. I took a pregnancy test on day 3, and it was negative. I know it may be too soon to test, but I am feeLing down. I am 40, and I am using donor eggs. My uterus is good. I just don’t understand why my embryos are not attaching. Please help. Also, I wanted to know if I decided to try again is it safe to use embryo glue? Or do u have any suggestions

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Hope,

      You shouldn’t be feeling down because it really is too soon to have the result now. Most of the times many women have symptoms like you described but they can be from the support hormones that you are taking. Depending on the day of development of your embryo, we encourage to take a pregnancy test at least 10 days after the transfer of blastocyst embryos, or 14 days if they are on cleavage stage. Regarding the embryo glue, many clinics use this during the transfer, and is not detrimental for the embryos. My suggestion is that in case you have a negative pregnancy test, you should have an implantation study in which not only you have special blood tests done, but uterus and endometrial tests as well.

      Kind regards

  95. Nisrine Reply

    Hi, i am 2dp3dt, this morning i saw pinkish bleeding and not spotting, is that normal? Thank you!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Nisrine,

      We suggest you to contact your doctor who have to suggest you how to proceed.

      Kind regards

  96. Priya Reply

    Dear Doctor,
    I had my first FET today with 2 compacting embryos.I had some vaginal infection and was asked to take Betnadine pessaries.But for some reasons I failed to take it.
    But while doing transfer my doctor told since I dint take the medicines I was bleeding when she touched the womb.But we transferred bothering my dear embryos and I was able to see them in Ultrasound.

    I am worrying if the bleeding can harm my embryos.

    Please let me know if this can hamper my chances.


    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Priya,

      First of all, I would like to reassure you. Bleeding after internal examinations (specially involving the use of an speculum) is a common event. Sometimes the cervix (the lower part of you womb) has a soft and friable area that can easily bleed when touched. This can be produced by an infection or hormonal changes. The bleeding comes from the external part of the cervix and has no effect on the internal layer of the womb, where the embryos will implant.

      Kind regards

  97. Crista Reply

    Hello Dr.

    I am on my second round of IVF and I am currently 42 yrs old. My Dr. retrieved 19 eggs, fertilized 14 and 4 made it to day 5. We did PGS and all came back abnormal 🙁
    Shocked and saddened to say the least. Would it be worth it to try another cycle or should I consider my eggs to be too old at this point ? I know each cycle brings different egg choices. And would It be advantageous to stop drinking any alcohol and caffeine for a few months before trying another IVF cycle? Could we possibly get better eggs by doing so ?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Crista,

      Consume of alcohol or coffee can´t influence the quality of eggs. Unfortunately at your age there is an high chance to have embryos with chromosomal alterations. It is up to you to try another time with your eggs, of course with egg donation the success rate is more high.

      Kind regards

  98. Dharshi Reply

    What does it mean if there was trace endocervical fluid on ultrasound?

    Thank you

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Darshi,

      A small amount of endocervical fluid can be seen during ultrasound examinations. This finding generally corresponds to a collection of mucus produced by the glands lining the cervix, has no health implications and will not require further investigations. If there is a significant amount, the collection can be aspirated at the time of embryo transfer. However, if the collection is at a upper level involving uterine cavity, causes such as infection or hydrosalpinx (collection of fluid at the fallopian tubes) will need to be rule out.

      Kind regards

      • Dharshi Reply

        Thank you so much!
        Is it possible to have implantation the day after a 5day transfer? Had some brownish discharge and trying to stay positive..

  99. Heidi Murad Reply

    Loved the study and article!
    I have a concern though sorry to bother you I’m 11 days post 3 days embryo transfer had faint positive on day 9 and doing blood work in few days, my concern is since day 9 I’ve been very constipated and I might ended up pushing a little bit but not hard enough to hurt my back and it happened again yesterday and today any recommendations for this situation doctor?

    Thank you!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Heidi,

      Thank you for your kind words.

      You can use an enema in order to solve your constipation.

      Kind regards

  100. Shikha Reply

    Hello Doc,
    so far I had 2 IVF cycles which were failed. 1st was day 3 transfer which got failed.
    2nd was failed as there were less number of eggs and the cycle got converted to IUI.
    in My 3rd cycle,I had 2 embryos freezed which were day 6 blastocysts.

    My endometrium thickness was 8.1mm.
    I had both embryo’s transferred on 28th August 2017 evening. As I had my bladder full, the pain was uncontrollable and I had to go to washroom within 8 minutes after my FET. as per my clinic, minimum 15 minutes I had to lie down.
    Post that, the progesterone gel got withdrawn (may be due to bloated bladder). I am afraid that my embryos might have passed out during urination.

    after my transfer in my 1st IVF cycle, I had some feeling that yes, something has been transferred. But this time I do not have any feeling as such. May be this is due to the urination which occurred after the FET.

    Also, my doctor had said that the embryo;s were Grade B, coz it was not expanding as per his expectations after unfreezing. The expansion of the embryos were a bit slow.

    It has been 6 days today and I do not have any symptoms so far.
    I am very much tensed and I have no hopes this time as well.
    Please suggest if this urination after ET and no feeling post transfer is normal?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Shikha,

      You don´t have to worry at all, it’s not possible that your embryos might have passed out during the urination.

      Kind regards

      • Shikha Reply

        Thanks Marisa 🙂
        I have another query.

        In my 3rd IVF cycle, I had 7 eggs retrieved and out of 7, 5 were fertilized.
        Only 2 eggs which advanced further to Day 5.
        I was called on Day 5th for transfer but it seemed they were not fertilized to 8 cells and hence the transfer was cancelled.
        On Day 6, when we met the clinic, they said that we had freezed your embryo’s and will transfer them in next month.

        So ideally my embryo’s are of Day 6.
        As per my clinic, they believe in Day 5 embryo’s and this is for the first time they have Day 6 embryos and they are not sure about the quality and result of the Day 6 ET.

        As I mentioned I had my 2 embryo’s transferred on 28th August, doc has mentioned that the expansion of the frozen embryos was not as expected, so he graded the quality to Grade B.

        Can you please advice / suggest your thinking on the outcome of this transfer based on the above happenings?

  101. Alice Reply

    Dear Doctor
    I have a big question. I have failed the 1st IVF and my bHCG is only 2. That means that embryo died immediately after transferring. My doctor told that my uterus is normal. By the chance, I read the medicine my doctor told me inject after 3 days transferring- Fertipeptil- it supports for hatching. But when I read the usage, the manufacture advise that it should not be used because it can cause abortion. I don’t understand why my doctor encourages me to use. If possible, pls explain me and give me the advice.
    Thank and best regards

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Alice,

      We only use progesterone after the embryo transfer to support the luteal phase and we are not used to use other kind of drugs, so we suggest to ask your clinician.

      Kind regards

  102. Stephania Reply

    Hello I just had my frozen embryo transfer rhis morning and I am a correctional officer and got order for me to go to training which is something we do every 6 month and my training start on Sept 22 now I’m afraid w/the push-up, sit-ups, the 1/4 mile run, and the running up and down the ladder now I’m sorry what could happen knowing I know I can be doing any excessive exercise so what should I do

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Stephania,

      Don’t worry,

      This kind of activity can’t affect your chances to get pregnant.

      Kind regards and good luck

  103. Lady Reply

    Hi Dr.. please I had my FET yesterday morning at 9:50am , went straight to the bathroom after the process.then I had to walk like 15to20minites to join public transport home..I then rested for an hour and did my cooking for almost two I can have more rest the following days without cooking again.. please is the cooking and walking right after the embryo transfer going to affect my chance of getting pregnant?? Am very worried

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Lady,

      Don´t worry at all. The cooking and walking right after the embryo transfer are not going to affect your chance of getting pregnant.

      Good luck and kind regards

  104. Aaaa Reply


    Today I transferred 5bb frozen embryo.
    Does anybody have any idea about the success rate and have same experience?

  105. coffee Reply

    Hi Dr., I had miscarriages twice about 4-5years ago, it was at both 5weeks, very very beginning. After that, we tried 6 IUIs and are about to do IVF now. After I had the last miscarriage, I have started coffee business and I am roasting 200lbs coffee every week. I have stopped drinking coffee, but I am still smelling a lot of coffee. and coffee grounds are all over me. Does that affect me not to get pregnant?? Im worried cause I didn’t get any success after I start this business. Smelling coffee (caffeine) is bad to a want to be pregnant??

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Patient,

      Coffee or caffeine don’t affect the probabilities of a good implantation and pregnancy.

      Best regards

  106. Lyn Reply

    Does eating salmon after embryo transfer affect implantation?.

  107. Sam Reply

    I had my fet on oct 4th ,now I don’t feel any symptoms like cramping ,sore bobs.i am little worried about my pregnancy.please is anyone here who doesn’t have any implantation symptoms after fet , whereas in my first fresh ivf cycle I had implantation cramping ,and pregnancy test came positive unfortunately I lost my baby on 7 week. Please incourage me with positive fet story.i am dying to become mother because it’ll change my life, day by day I am getting disappointed without having any baby.please pray for me to come pragnancy test positive ..

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Sam,

      Don´t be worried. It could be perfectly normal don’t feel any symptoms after the embryo transfer.

      Try to relax and thinking positive, good luck!

  108. LS Reply


    What would be your advice regarding night shifts and long days on call (doctor by profession) following ET. Am I justifies in requesting to be taken off them for a while?


    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear LS,

      Usually after ET we suggest normal life, just try to avoid excessive physical activity.

      Kind regards and good luck!

  109. Lily Reply

    Dear doctor,

    I had my ET 2 days ago. I started bleeding heavily the night after ET. What can cause the bleeding and do I need to continue taking progesterone and estrofem?

    Thank you

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Lily,

      The bleeding can be caused by different factors. We suggest you to contact your doctor and ask how to proceed.

      Kind regards

      • Lily Reply

        Dear Dr. Marisa López-Teijón,

        I contacted the doctor and his answer was that the bleeding is because of hormonal misbaalance and he just suggested to add estrofem 4mg twice daily. I really cannot understand what’s going on with me:/

      • Lily Reply

        They did ultrasound check and said that the bleeding is from uterus.

  110. Grace Reply

    Hi please I did my embryo transfer on Friday last week November 2017 but I’m yet to notice the instructions not to bath, yet I went ahead and do that on Sunday and Tuesday being yesterday and since then I’m seriously worried about that and not even a sign that something is inside me. Please what is option now. Thanks

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Grace,

      Don´t worry at all, it is normal not to experiment any symptom , it is not a bad sign.

      Kind regards and good luck!

  111. Grace Reply

    Hi,did et on 16/11/17 did pt which was negative i started my period on 4/12/17 and my doctor said i can go for a donor because of my age am 45yr,they retraved 3eggs and 2 were ok, he advice for donor pls can this work without me resting after the fail ivf few days ago.thanks

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Grace

      if you are thinking about trying a new treatment and your doctor advised you about Egg donation, you can undergoing with this treatment directly after the last IVF.
      Anyway, I advise you to follow your doctor’s instructions since he is the person who knows your case.

      Kind regards

  112. Demi Reply

    I just had my 5 day ET yesterday on my 3rd round of ivf. 5 day frozen blastocyst.
    6 hours later I was at the bathroom and noticed an unusual discharge which I believe was my embryo.
    It was clear and looked very much like a sperm with 2 tails, one at either side of “the head”
    How quickly after transfer can you lose your baby? And is it possible for an embryo to be seen by the human eye at this stage?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Demi,
      It is impossible to see an embryo in that stage, since a special laboratory microscope is needed. Anyway, we recommend you to visit your doctor and, if possible, perform an ultrasound.

      Best regards

  113. Angela Reply

    Dear Dr, I had my 2 day embryo transfer yesterday. 17 eggs were retrieved at egg collection and I had cramping afterwards and have slight OHSS. I had a scan before the transfer and have a small amount of fluid in my abdomen. Last night after dinner I had a few intense stomach cramps. Could the stomach cramps hurt the embryo or expel it from my uterus? I am worried and really appreciate your opinion. Thank you

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good Morning Angela,
      Stomach cramps neither harm the fetus nor cause an abortion, but it should be verified that they are actually stomach cramps and not uterine contractions that are reflected in the abdominal area. We would recommend you to see your assisted reproduction doctor for an ultrasound and verify that everything is fine.
      Take care.

  114. Lisa marly Reply

    Hi Dr.
    8 days past et I had brown discharge and it continuous until day 10 then it turns red in day 11 (today). Is it my period coming? Should I just continue my progesterone pills? The test 5 days ahead. Thanks Dr.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning, Lisa,
      I recommend you visit your doctor for making an ultrasound for check how your process is going. Until this day, you should continue with the progesterone pills.
      Thank you

  115. Sigi Reply

    Dear dr
    I had my day 5 blastocyst transfer a week ago, the transfer went so smooth and i kept resting for half an hour lying on my back when i felt severe cramps similar to labour pain and was going to faint i got up from the bed and jumped from the bed and went to the rest room where all the pain went away i am afraud that this might be a uterine contraction and that my embryo was expelled out

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good Morning,
      It can not be guaranteed that these cramps correspond to an uterine contraction. We recommend you to continue with the instructions given by your doctor and to have your pregnancy test on the day you have been told to check if you are pregnant or not. Thanks a lot for your trust

  116. Sim Reply

    Dear Dr Marisa,I just had my FET yesterday,2 embryo(good grading) was transferred. I was taking vitamin C 1000mg,folic acid 5mg, coQ 10 50mg&vitamin B complex before this for my general well being.would like to ask,can I continue on all these supplements,or should I just continue folic acid? I have asked my gynae but he didnt give any clear instruction.thank you.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear SIM,
      The vitamin complex that you are taking is correct, since it contains folic acid. In our consultations, we recommend a multivitamin called SEIDIBION, but there are many others similar, what is important is that they contain folic acid, iron, vitamin D, iodine and the rest of minerals.
      As for food, it is essential that you do not eat raw or poorly washed foods, because of the risk of toxoplasmosis.
      I hope I have been helpful,
      Thank you very much

      • Sim Reply

        Dear Dr Marisa,thank you so much for your kind reply.Other than the pregnancy multivitamin (I started taking ELEVIT) , can a pregnant lady take extra supplement like vitamin C 500mg , coQ 10, B complex,fish oil since their dosage in 1 multivitamin pill is relatively low? Or 1 multivitamin pill is consider sufficient?

  117. Victor Reply

    Dear Dr Lopez

    My wife had embryo transfer for 3 days. I hugged my wife and my backpack bumbed into her stomach. I’ m very worry to effect my embryo in uterus. Pls advise me how should I do.

    Thank you

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Victor,
      Don’t worry, hugs doesn’t affect the embryo at all, the embryo is inside the uterus and a hug is not a strong blow that could be dangerous for your baby

      Best regards

  118. Pete Reply

    My wife had frozen embryo transfer since 18 january 2018 that she get folic 15 mg per day. I found from web tell that dose of folic should eat 1 tablet or 5 mg a day. My wife take folic over dose. I’m worry to affect implantation embryo to the uterus ? Please advise me

    Thank you very much

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Pete,
      We advise you to decrease the dose of folic acid to 5mg, even so, don’t worry because you had a few days with the highest dose, it is not dangerous for your baby.
      Best regards,

  119. Tahaseen Reply

    Dear Marisa ,

    I had my embryo transfer yesterday and had to pee right after my transfer as my bladder was full. Will this have any negative impact?

    Best Regards

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Tahaseen,

      Don’t worry about going to urinate after the transfer as it has no negative impact with your embryo. I wish everything goes well.

      Kind regards,

  120. Marie Reply

    Dr, I had my frozen transfer 5 days ago and I started to cough the day Of the transfer and developed a high fever yesterday, 101.5f. I called my Dr who suggested I take Tylenol. Will my high fever affect my chances of getting pregnant?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Marie,

      You should control the temperature so that it does not exceed 39ºC. The medication your doctor has prescribed you is antipyretic, so it will help to reduce fever.
      Warmest regards

  121. Soji Reply

    I had my ET 6days ago, now I’m feeling movements in my tummy and my right arm kinda breathe or pumping. Any reasons for these

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Soji,

      the causes of these symptoms are not related to the embryo transfer, it is still too early to feel it.

      Warmest regards

  122. sally Reply

    Hi Dr , I have done ET on 31/1/18. For some reasons I got fever at day 3 and 4 after transfer. My normal body temp is 36.5 I was between 37 and 37.5. Does that impact the embryos?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Sally,

      This temperature is considered a low-grade fever and should not negatively affect the result of the transfer. If the fever is increasing exceeding 38º I advise you to see your GP.

      Warmest regards

  123. Hi Marisa, My wife had discharge after one day of transfer, is it normal?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Dr. Rifaat Salem

      It is common after the manipulation of the uterine neck during the embryo transfer, it may bleed a little, this bleeding is external and should not worry you. If the bleeding increase, it is convenient to go to the clinic where you had the treatment in order to check where the bleeding is coming from.

      I hope I have helped you,

      Warmest regards

  124. Savita Reply

    Hi Dr Marisa,

    I had undergone through IVF Cycle recently and my transfer was done on 5th Feb 2018 around 3 o’clock.
    Today (Day 6 after embryo transfer), I observe little watery discharge on my panty. Is it normal as I heard a symptoms of implantation bleeding or spotting? Is it any sign of pregnancy? I hope everything will be normal. Please advice.


    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Savita,

      It is very difficult to know if this spotting was caused by implantation or not. I suggest you to keep calm and don’t make heavy physical efforts or lift weight, make normal life. For any spotting or pain you could feel you needs to talk to your doctor.

      Good luck with the pregnancy

      Warmest regards

  125. MariaNikoloudaki Reply

    Dear Mrs Marisa,
    On 3/2 I had my 5day embryo transfer. I was trying to be very careful with my movements, but today in a try to kill an insect above my bed, i went upstairs with one movement (like 1 big step) to the bed to kill it.
    Did I cause any damage to the embryo? because I feel a pain since then I think … I am very upset!!!!

    In general what movements can harm an embryo?
    Thank you for your help!On 14/2 I will do my pregn. test.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Maria,

      Don’t worry, that movement has not affected the embryo at all. After transfer, it is advisable not to carry out rough physical sports or to lift weights.
      A bog good luck with the pregnancy test.

      Warmest regards,

  126. Savita Reply

    Thank you Dr. Marisa for your advice… I am totally calm and just now waiting for positive result….finger crossed…. Thanks a lot once again. I will definitely reply you about my result..

    • Savita Reply

      Hi Dr. Merisa,

      Continuing to our recent communication, I am nervous to told you that my IVF cycle fails once again. My Gynacologist concluded that my follicle might not be competant to achieve pregnancy and hence suggest for next cycle with some medication. These is no other issue in my pregnancy. Uterus, FT and endometrium thickness is normal.
      I read some articles on internet on fertility and one of them is suggesting for fertility booster/Food. Two of them are Royal Jelly Capsules and Maca Root Powder (in plain form or in Geletine form).
      Dr. Marisa, I am completely unaware of these two. Could you please help me with your advice on this? Is it useful for me to take this?

      Waiting for your reply.

      With Regards,

  127. ranjeeta Reply

    i have my first ivf..on 21/02/18 i have done my pregnancy test after 15 days …its negative…am fed up…i want to re do a new blood test…can i? plz…thx

  128. Hannah Reply

    I am 4 dp5dt and had my eyebrows waxed yesterday. The beautician phoned me this morning to tell me her doctor has said she has shingles (today) she has no sores or open wounds and used antibacterial hand wash yesterday before doing my eyebrows but now I’m worried…. argh! Please advise

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Hannah,

      Dear Hannah,

      According to what you are referring to, there was not direct contact and your beautician took the right hygienic measures, so don’t worry about it. On the other hand if chickenpox or this vaccine has passed the possibility of infection is very low. Anyway, if you observe in the next few days any symptoms such as rash or pain go to a specialist to assess it.

      I wish you all the best,

      Warmest regards.

  129. Mildred Reply

    Hello Dr. I had my transfer yesterday. On the way home we had a car accident. We were shocked from behind. It was not a big impact but I am afraid that it will influence the implantation. it is not supposed to have any sudden movement .What do you suggest?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Mildred,

      I hope you are feeling ok after the accident. It is hard to say whether it has affected the implantation or not, so please stick to your doctor’s recommendations and keep calm. And of course do not anticipate your pregnancy test, just do it on the date indicated by your doctor.

      I hope I have helped.

      Kind regards

  130. Somayya Gangat Reply

    Hi doctor. I had an ivf embryo transfer on the 8th of March 2018. They transferred 3 embryos. Am on metacorten , euthyrox 25mg and claxene injections. I started spotting and cramping on the 17th May. On the 18th still bleeding … light red colour. I went for blood hcg test yesterday. Results were negative… am very disappointed. Must go again for blood test on the 19 May. 19 May suppose to be actual date for first hcg blood test. My doctor prescribed cyklokapton tabs. 2 tabs 3x a day. Do u think I’m having a miscarriage?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Somayya, if the value of your beta HCG is decreasing, you are very likely facing an abortion. This means that the embryo implanted but could not develop properly. In any case, your local gynecologist needs to perform an ultrasound scan and blood test to confirm this.


  131. Dameuli Brunner Reply

    I will have my 3rd ET on 11 April 2018 . Should i have to eat special food before the day come (ET)cause i had failled 2 times insemination and2 times ET. I wish to get pregnant this cycle in my age 40.
    Finger cross. Please give suggestion.
    Thank you
    Girl power

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Dameuli Brunner,

      The diet does not affect the implantation, thus you can continue with a normal diet.

      Good luck!

      Best regards,

  132. Totti Reply

    Dear Dr Marisa, I am on day 5 after my transfer, but I have had frequent urination since the day of my transfer. Although it has reduced now on day 5 but it’s still somewhat frequent than normal. Please what is going on. Thanks.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Totti,

      The transfer does not affect the urination frequence. You might have a urine infection, you’d better have a urine test to confirm though.

      Good luck,

  133. Christine Reply

    I did frozen embryo transfer; after day 9 I did home test and blood test it came negative. I did home test on day 14 it was negative. Day 15 I need to do another blood test . I feel so stressed full.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Christine,

      I understand you feel stressed and anxious while you are waiting, sometimes it is the toughest part. Try to stay as busy as possible until the pregnancy test.

      Good luck,

      Un saludo.

  134. Lucy Reply

    I had my egg transfer this am and I’m anxious already… but remaining positive the nurses both said I had a very good looking embryo which sounded positive.. I’m just worried because now I have massive period pain aches.. should I worry.. I have 10 days now until I came take pregnancy test.. I also egg shared so I’m hoping it’s goinf to work for the other lady as well as me.! X

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Lucy, you do not have to worry about it, these discomforts are normal, since the cannula with which the embryo is transferred passes through the cervix and can cause these discomforts, in addition, the medication can also cause discomfort in the lower abdomen.

      Good luck!!

      • Lucy Reply

        Thankyou for responding it’s always such a worry… so I’m now only on day two..! The wait is awful. Period pains are horrendous and back and boob ache like no other but I’m guessing this is just all part of it and hopefully all the aches and pains with be all worth it in the long run.

  135. Lena Owusu Reply

    Hello, I had my embryo transfer on the 7th of May and progesterone passateries was inserted right after the procedure. 45mins later I went to urinate but saw about 10 white round deposits in the bowl. My heart skipped a beat I thought I had peed my embryos out and been worried since. Could that be the case????

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Lena,
      You should not worry, try to stay calm and wait until the pregnancy test. Urinating is never a risk for the embryo. Furthermore, it is impossible to see an embryo just transferred without a microscope.
      Good luck and best regards.

  136. Jessie Reply

    Dear Dr López,

    I had my frozen 3-day embryos transfer three days ago and the problem is that I am having terrible constipation. On the 2nd day & 3rd day after the transfer, I had strained very hard (I mean it’s extremely hard that I had used all my strength to strain) during bowel movement. Have I pushed my embryos out? I’m so worried because it’s my last 2 embryos.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Jessie,
      Do not worry, it’s very unlikely that it affected the embryo. If the situation (the constipation) doesn’t get better, I advise you to go to your GP to get a specific treatment.

      Good luck,

      Kind regards

  137. Olivia Bodds Reply

    Hi there
    We are going abroad next month for embryo donation (2 frozen blastocysts are being transferred), is it possible to go to a water parka couple days after the transfer?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Olivia,

      While on vaginal pessaries we suggest you avoid baths in swimming pools, bathtubs, at the beach …

      Kind regards,

  138. Tarsila Reply

    Dear Dr.

    I had 3 embryos transferred on 18th June in Greece, so no rest on the first day packing walk around Athens, flew back to England on 19th.

    I am a cleaner and I am worry back to work due lift hoover and bag of products..
    I was wondering if it’s safe back to work one week later after embryo transfer? Or it’s better waiting for 2 weeks before back to work?
    Thank you

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Tarsila,

      Because of your type of work, we would recommend you to try to take it easy and take rest up until the day where you get your pregnancy blood test.
      Don’t worry about everything you had to do on the 18th; just try to rest as much as you can from now on.

      Best regards,

      Un saludo

      • Tarsila Reply

        Dr. Doctor

        Thank you very much for your response.

        Also I’m having a really heavy migraine since last Friday, I have feeling that’s not a good sign.

        Thank you

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Tarsila,

          Migraine can happen because of many different factors, one of them being stress and it could also be a coincidence that this happened exactly during the period you were telling me about.

          There’s no need to worry: I would advise you to rest and remain as calm and relaxed as possible

          I wish you all the best.

          Kind regards.

  139. Tarsila Reply

    Dear doctor
    Others questions I have is about food, on the internet says to avoid those foods that can cause a miscarriage, chesses, cream cheese, greapes, pineapple, watermelon, peach, papaya, glutem, bread, jam, no food made with raw eggs, cereals, unpasteurised milk, raspberrys, camomile tea, decaf black tea, mustard, tim of vegetables and soups .. etc
    should I worry, its true? or ignore it?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Tarsila,

      There’ no need to worry. I would recommend you to ask your doctor to take the toxoplasmosis test in order to know if you can or cannot take certain food.

      Kind regards.

  140. Roopa Reply

    I had my embryo transfer done today, doctor has advised me a week’s rest. While passing urine or while going to toilet I always feel the embryo might fall. Does it really happen, what are the do’s and don’ts? Whenever I cough I feel something coming out from beneath. I am on vaginal progesterone pills as well as injections. Plz advise.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Roopa,

      Please do not worry; it is impossible that the embryo might fall while going to the toilet or coughing.
      Please follow your Doctor’s recommendations; relative rest is recommended as well as a healthy lifestyle.

      Kind regards and best of luck.

  141. Bella Reply

    I just had my embryos transfer today. I’m a hairstylist and work with chemicals on a daily basis. I will start to work in 5 days from today. Is it safe to inhale the odors from the hair chemicals?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Bella,

      Going back to work after having your embryos transferred is the adequate procedure in order to guarantee that these will be implanted in your endometrium. Up to that moment, you need absolute rest the first day and relative rest until you get back to work. Regarding the chemicals that you use at work, as a safety measure I would suggest checking the list of endocrine disrupters that could affect the embryo, because they could raise the levels of blood estrogens and cause subfertility problems in the future. If on that list you find products that you use at work, as a you could protect yourself using a mask everytime you have to use them.

      I wish you all the best.

      Kind regards.

  142. Dee Reply

    Dear Dr.Lopez,

    I had a 5 day blastocyst transfer with donor eggs. Three days after transfer I orgasmed in my sleep, the contractions woke me (I don’t know why this happened as after 6 years of infertility I’ve lost interest in sex). I am now 6 days past transfer with no symptoms and majorly worried that the intensity of contractions expelled the blastocyst or stopped it implanting!

    This is our third donor transfer, the first two ended in miscarriages and this is a new donor, however I did have symptoms quite early with my last donor transfers but am worried as have none with this round. Prior to donor eggs we had 10 ivf cycles with no pregnancies.

    Is there a chance the orgasm has ruined the chances of this cycle by expelling the blastocyst or stopping it implanting??

    I’d really value your opinion

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good afternoon,

      You do not need to worry. These contractions are not enough to stop the pregnancy. We recommend you to take a pregnancy test on the date the doctor advised you to. Up to that day, try to stay calm and keep a healthy lifestyle.

      I wish you all the best.

      Kind regards.

  143. Rose Reply

    I had my 5 embryos transfered to me just 3 days back… I would like to know what is the recommended minutes to avoid passing urine immediately after ET. I passed urin with in 10 mins… Today is my 3rd day after ET. I am not feeling anything different in body and mind… I am staying as normal as normal days.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Rose,

      Do not worry about having passed urin within 10 minutes after you had your embryos transfered. In that time, the embryo implantation in your emdometrial tissue had already been completed. You will not notice anything until at least after a week has gone by, so there is no need to worry.
      I hope that, when you take your blood pregnancy test, two weeks after the transfer has been completed, the result will be positive!

      Best of luck.

      Kind regards.

  144. Robin Reply

    My boyfriend doesn’t want to do our last transfer because we are going on vacation and wants to go boating which is a lot of bouncing around at what would be day 10 post transfer… do you think that would interfere with implantation and pregnancy?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Robin,

      You can go on holidays, don’t worry. The only thing you should take into account is keeping a healthy lifestyle, avoid sudden, jerky movements, do not lift weight and eat a balanced diet.

      In any case, I would suggest you to talk to the doctor who is carrying out your treatment, since he is the one who better knows your case and can give you a piece of advise.

      Best of luck.

  145. Tanya Reply

    Hi.. i had my et on saturday i.e.14 july 2018 and today i hit on the bed hard with my hand .
    Now i am scared.. help

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Tanya,

      Hitting hard with your hand does not pose a risk for the correct implantation of your embryo in the endometry. There’s no need to worry.

      Try not to lift any weight and get relative rest for some days.

      I hope that when you take your pregnancy test in about 10-12 days you will get good news.

      For the possible inflamation of your hand you could take 1 gr. Paracetamol.

      Hope you’ll recover soon.

      Take care.

  146. Bhavna Reply

    What to eat after embryo transfer ?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Bhavna,

      The most important thing after an embryo transfer is to keep relative rest for some days, do not lift heavy weights, do not climb up stairs and avoid stressful situations in general. If you could take some days off, it would be great, since the correct implantation of the embryos in your endometrium happens on the first days after the transfer.

      Regarding what you can eat, I would advise you to avoid sodas, salt to avoid fluid retention and spicy food. Apart from that, you can actually eat everything with moderation. If you get pregnant, then your gyanecologist will advise you on what to eat and what should be avoided.

      Best of luck.

  147. Diya Reply

    Hi doc
    I did my day 5transfer on last Thursday and is experiencing a slight red spotting today,exactly 6days past transfer.It is. Pgs tested embryo and third attempt.My first attempt resulted in ectopic and second one failed.What are my chances of having a baby even after so many attempts?
    I had severe endo detected in 2013 and did 2surgrries for removing scars.Had multiple normal IVF failures and hence moved to Pgs.What could be the other options for me it it’s not working even with pgs tested embryo?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Diya,

      The correct implantation of the embryo in your endometrium occurs on the first week after the date of transfer. A sign of a correct implantation could be those small blood losses.
      Wait for the result of the determination of the pregnancy hormone in blood next week.

      I hope it will all turn out alright.

      All the best.

  148. Rachel Reply

    In the 2nd week of transfer I have a desk based job with deadlines. I need to sleep less than the usual 8 hours.. is that ok?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Rachel,
      it’s ok if you sleep less than 8 hours. The most important thing is that you live a healthy lifestyle, that is, no heavy lifting, no extreme exercising and balanced diet.

      All the best!

      Kind regards,

  149. Poonam Reply

    Dear doctor,
    I had 1st ivf failed in June and planning next in September. Not sure why failed as I was on complete rest working from home but due to work I had lot of stress. I do IT job and mine job is quite relaxing for 9 hours but have to travel 1 hour daily. Shall I start my job after taking rest for 1 week after ET this time. Please suggest.
    How do stress related to pregnancy and ivf success.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Poonam,
      Stress is one of the factors to avoid in order to get pregnant. If you are going to try a new IVF cycle next month, taking into account that your IT job does not require any physical effort, my advice is for you to rest as much as possible on the day of the transfer and the next 48 hours, since it is in these hours that the possible implantation of the embryo in your endometrium happens and resting is key to get an evoolutive pregnancy. I wish you all the best in your next try and hope you will soon reach your goal to become a mother.

      All the best.

  150. Mary Reply


    I had my ivf transferred on 28th august. After 7 th day I walked like 4 hours at the shopping mall. After that night my both legs were so hurt which I woke up few times during the night. But the next morning I felt so normal no pain and no soreness on my breasts. I have a feeling it’s failed . And I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Mary,
      Please, do not worry and try to stay calm. Until the day of the pregnancy test it is impossible to know the result. Actually, having walked for 4 hours should not affect the transfer.

      I would advise you to follow a healthy lifestyle, do not lift weight and do not exercise too hard.

      All the best.

  151. Gracy Reply

    I had a positive pregnancy test yesterday after 3 day embryo transfer. Last night I had sex with my husband(no intercourse) and got an orgasm. After getting orgasm i had a severe cramping. In the morning while taking bath I saw a small blood clot like thing along with progesterone.
    I am quite shattered with this. We feel like we did something wrong and affected the embryos in some or other way. I have an appointment with my doctor in 2 days, but this stress is killing us.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Gracy,

      Hello. Do not worry. You have done nothing wrong. Yes, you can have sexual intercourse. Sometimes progesterone can occasion some bleeding; it could be from the cervix and it is not uncommon for it to happen during the first quarter of the pregnancy.
      Anyway, keep an eye on it. If you see that this does not disappear or they keep increasing, go to your gynaecologist, so that he/she can evaluate it.

      Kind regards.

  152. EVA Reply


    I have a lining thickness of 9mm. We have 9 grade 1 embryos that have reached day 5.

    What are the chances the implementation works? Is 9 mm good?


    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Eva,

      A lining thickness over 7 mm is optimal for the embryo implementation. Since you have good quality 5 days embryos, the likelihood of pregnancy are high.

      Kind regards.

  153. Anna Reply

    Thanks very much for this; I found it really helpful. I had 2-day embryos transferred, though, and I worried that they were more vulnerable to “falling out” than blasts, as they had a number of days still until they would be ready for implantation. I also coughed frequently and strongly (due to acid reflux), which made me contract my abdominal muscles a lot, and it concerned me that this could affect the embryos, since (sorry for the TMI) it sometimes has the effect of pushing out blood during my period. That transfer failed and I’m concerned about the next one.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Anna,

      I understand your fears and your worries. It is good for you to keep an optimistic attitude. Your medical team can ask for more tests that the ones they initially asked for, so that they might find a more suitable treatment for you this time.

      There are several alternatives to conceive. Express your doubts to the medical team and follow the indications they give you.

      I wish you all the best during this process.

      Kind regards.

    • Bea Reply

      Dear Dr. Marisa,

      We are soon having a frozen embryo transfer in another country and we are planning to fly around 5 hours after the transfer (flight is around two hours). We could also try to get a flight the next day. Is it better to wait one day before taking a flight?
      And another question, are there fewer chances for a frozen embryo than for a fresh one to be successful?

      Thank you so much.
      Best regards!

      • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

        Dear Bea,

        Actually we advise to rest on the day of the transfer, since that day takes place the process of implantation of the embryo in your endometrium.

        Pressure changes as those on a flight are not advisable, so it would be much better if you could change your flight and flight the next day instead, since it can help the embryo implantation.

        I wish you all the best.

        Kind regards,

  154. Jane Reply

    I had an embryo transfer yesterday afternoon and this morning, I just did an intense sprint because my cat was chasing a squirrel and I instinctively wanted to protect the squirrel so I ran after the cat for some 100 meters. Really sprinting and giving everything I’ve got. After a few seconds I realized what I was doing and now I feel SO terrible because I think I might have ruined my beautiful (and only) 4AA embryo. I’m so worried. The nurse told me yesterday: no exercising! And look now..

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Jane,

      We do advise to take moderate rest after the transfer, which means a normal lifestyle but without physical effort, so that the possibilities of implantation are maximized. I cannot tell you for sure what impact has this incident had in you, possibly and hopefully none, but you will have to wait until the pregnancy test.
      Try not to overanalyze this situation and do not feel stressed about it. From now onwards, do not do any physical over-exertion.

      I hope everything will turn out to be fine.

      Kind regards.

  155. LaMu Reply

    Dear Marisa,

    Thanks for taking your time to respond all of we anxious mums-to be 🙂

    This week, i had a negative PT with my 2nd attempt at IVF and looking back i’m wondering what went wrong. This is considering the fact that I already have a 4 yr old son through the same process.

    The difference between both cycles:
    I was 4 years younger. lol
    With this cycle, I was diagnosed with a stenosed cervix where I had a dilatation performed earlier in the cycle. Also after my egg collection, they discovered some fluid in my endometrium which they could not extract, so I had freeze my eggs, got an hysteroscopy done and waited for another cycle to continue the process.
    For my FET cycle I was on progynova 8mg for 2 weeks. My endomtrium lining was about 10mm. On the day of my ET, my cervix was narrow again and the doctor couldn’t easily get to my uterus. At this time, my beautiful embryos (5BC and 4BC) were just there in the cathether waiting for me. After a while, they had to take the embryos back. Eventually, the doctor got through with another type of cathether and the transfer was eventually done. To be honest, I wonder if my embryos even made it in alive. ill like to hear from you on how or if difficult embryo transfers after implantation.
    Also, during my 2ww, I started to itch down there especially at night. I think it was the pessaries because the itching stopped right after I stopped the vaginal pessaries. Does vaginal itchiness has any link with negative PTs?
    I intend to try again as soon as I possibly can but trying to learn from the past.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear LaMu,

      Thank you for your enquiry.

      When performing an embryo transfer sometimes some problems to access the uterus occur, as it was your case. This is why the biologist took your embryo back to the laboratory. This is usual, and you should not worry about the fact the embryos were not alive in the moment of the transfer, since precisely the fact they took them back was to protect them in their culture médium until the gynaecologist was able to reach the utterus with the new catheter.

      Regarding the itching, this could be due to some infection, but there is no relationship of this with the negative PT.

      Try to keep yourself busy and do not think of what could have been the cause. You are in the best hands. Keep being positive. You already have a child and, if you managed one, focus your thoughts and energy in thinking that you will succeed again.

      I wish you all the best.

  156. Bhumi Reply

    I got an embryo transfer done on 23rd Nov, it was a 5th day transfer and we were hoping for a blastocyst but it was still in morula stage. Does this reduce the chances of implantation. My egg quality & endometrium lining were good.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good afternoon. The most important thing is that you follow the guidelines that your doctor has given you. Unfortunately, I cannot answer your question as I lack a lot of information, both from you and the embryo you got transferred. Therefore, it is best to talk to your doctor. Regards and good luck!

  157. Shalabhi Reply

    Also, I have been prescribed Dexamethasone 0.5 mg for 15 days (that is till BHCG test).

    I have read that Dexa is a strong steroid and can pass through placenta.
    So, is taking Dexa safe at this stage?

  158. Dhammy Reply

    Dear Doctor,
    I had my ET on 16/12/2020 and was prescribed cyclogest pessaries and gestone injection. I had all the symptoms for 5 days after ET but not anymore, they all disappeared. I took a hpt on 25/12/2020 and it says negative. Is it a failed IVF?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Dhammy,

      You should ask your regular doctor, and if you have a negative test, it is a failed IVF.

  159. Taj Reply

    I had embryo transfer 10days ago. I dont have any symptoms in particular other than mild cramping occasionally. I also have 6cm fibroid because it is outside uterus cavity my fertility dr told that it will not cause any harm to implantation. My blood test is scheduled in 2days
    I am so nervous. I dont think it will be positive. I had fresh embryo transfer – 3BB. Uterus lining thickness was 13.5mm during embryo transfer
    Any advise would be appreciated
    Thank you

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning, Taj:
      It is normal not to have symptoms after the transfer; you must follow your doctor’s recommendations. Good luck with your pregnancy test! Regards.

  160. Natalie Reply

    I had my embryo transfer 2 days ago. I had an acupuncture appt today to relax. She pushed on my uterus some. Is this ok? Will it effect implantation?

  161. Amie Reply

    Hello doc,
    I had FET transfer yesterday. I am overly emotional and crying and stressing over small things. I had argument with my husband. I did lot of bending to pick up my whining toddler. I am in mess now . Do you think my chance will miss this time.? I have endometriosis and infertility . We are trying for 2 nd child . Also I have a scar in uterus from previous c sec . Do you think my FET transfer could go unsuccessfull due to this. Because the transfer is taking time ?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good afternoon, Amie. Just try to keep relaxed and calm and follow your doctor’s recommendations. Best of luck!

  162. Sarah Reply

    Dear Dr. Marisa,
    I just ran into your blog and was reading most of your reply’s for last few hrs. I had my FET of 5BB ( was hatching already) on 3/29/21. I have 2 questions that hope you kindly answer them.
    I slept with my usual blanket during 2 nights after the transfer, so in the morning when I woke up I felt very warm. I touched my belly and it was very warm too, I’m afraid I cooked my little bean or interrupted implantation. Could it be even possible? I just learned that embryo does not like too much heat. As they say no heat after transfer. Tho I didn’t take hot baths or sauna or heating blanket.
    Also, On 1dp5dt I had twinge and pain on my lower belly in left side leading toward my left thigh, something similar to when I used to see period but pain was much less, and it was going on and off for about 18 hrs until stopped on 2dp5dt afternoon. Could this pain be related to implantation? Like embryo is nestled already?

    Today is 3dp5dt and I have zero symptoms. Feel completely normal. That pain that I mentioned is also gone.
    Would be appreciated if you to reply me. Thanks a million. Sarah

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good afternoon, Sarah. First of all, there is nothing wrong with sleeping with blankets, the embryo is in your uterus and this does not interfere with implantation. It is not advisable to take baths, go to the sauna or use the thermal blanket. On the other hand, the discomfort you felt is normal after the transfer, you should not worry. It is normal that you have no symptoms because it is very early, stay calm and follow your doctor’s recommendations. Best regards and good luck!

  163. Diamond Reply

    Hello Dr .,today is the 9th day my embryos were transferred, i had serious cramp and abdominal discomfort with heavy and painful breast from the 1st to the 5th day but from that 5th day night, i had stomach upset followed with severe diarrhea in the morning of 6th day. this stomach upset and diarrhea continued till this morning been the 9th day. my doctor prescribed drug immediately he was informed which i took. since morning every symptom stopped, i feel very normal now, is it ok or any need to worry? thanks Dr.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Hallo, Diamond. You should go to the doctor who has been following you during treatment and ask any questions you may have. There shouldn`t be any problems, however, it is always better to solve your doubts with your treating doctor. Thank you and good luck!

  164. Lili Reply

    Hi Dr. I had transplant 7 days ago. I see dark dirty discharges but don’t feel cramps. Is this normal or I should be worried. Thank you

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning, Lili. Spotting before the pregnancy test and up to 8 weeks of gestation is very common. We hope that the pregnancy test in a couple of days’ time will be positive. Best regards.

  165. Joy Reply

    I had a transfer yesterday morning 1st July 2021 and I bent down and swept the house today only to discover that it’s very wrong.
    Now I’m scared pls advise me.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Joy. Sweeping the floor is not a dangerous activity. Implantation doesn’t depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once embryos arrive to our uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. My advice is that you carry on with your normal life, trying to avoid direct impact sports, as well as bathing or diving in the pool until you have the certainty that there is or not a pregnancy. I hope this will help you. All the best.

  166. Mercedes Parker Reply

    Hi doctor. Hopefully this is still active. I am 9 days post frozen embryo transfer. I have already had a positive pregnancy test. I vacuumed on day 8 and 9 now I’m worried I should not have. I thought it be ok because my clinic said after 1-2 days of rest return to normal activity. I’m hoping I didn’t mess anything up.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Mercedes. Vacuuming is not a dangerous activity. You should carry on with your normal life, trying to avoid direct impact sports or any hard physical activity. Congratulations and all the best with your pregnancy!

  167. Celeste Reply

    Hello. I have spent some time reading your replies to others on here and it has been very helpful. I had a couple questions for you as well. I had my FET on 7/20. That evening, my husband gave me a short foot massage. When I went to acupuncture the next day, the acupuncturist mentioned to stay away from foot massages because there are certain areas of the foot that should be avoided during pregnancy. I had no idea! I looked it up and it seems the pressure points correlating to the uterus are around the ankles and on the edge of the pinky toe. He did not massage these areas. Is this something I should stop worrying about? Worried about implantation.

    Also, like many others, I have been experiencing constipation due to the estrogen and/or progesterone. The morning after the transfer I had to do a small bit of straining to have a bowel movement. Is this going to hurt the chances of implantation?

    Thank you.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Hello, Celeste. Regarding foot massage, there is no scientific evidence either for or against it, nor any relation to your chances of success.
      With constipation, you may feel more comfortable with a microlax or glycerin suppository, although that will not change your chances of pregnancy either. Good luck!

      • Celeste Reply

        Thank you so much! So no need to worry about a short bit of straining I guess :)? This 2ww is making me paranoid about everything I do, that’s for sure! It is good to hear that there is most likely nothing I can do, or not do, to affect my chances of success. Seems like the embryo will either implant, or it won’t!

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          You are welcome, Celeste! It is exactly as you say: implantation doesn’t depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  168. Maria Reply

    Dear Dr,

    Many thanks for the useful information you provide on your site. I read the research report on Resting After Embryo Transfer and it’s reassuring to know ‘ that implantation doesn’t depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and that once embryos arrive to our uterus, the endometrium is in charge of the rest’ . This is very useful and empirically validated information that we all need!!
    I was wondering however, whether missing a dose of progesterone can have a negative impact on implantation. I had a medicated transfer ( after downregulation and while being on estrogen for a few weeks and progesterone supplements 5 days before the transfer ( utrogestan 200 mg 3 times a day, duphaston 10 mg twice a day and prolutex injection ( once a day- administered subcutaneous). My embryo transfer was on Thursday ( 28th July) at 11.30 am so I just took duphaston in the morning and not my morning utrogestan (10 am) so as not to interfere with the transfer. The transfer was delayed and took place at around 2.30 pm and did not have the next dose of utrogestan till 5 pm. At 8 pm I had the prolutex injection and duphaston pill at 10pm. Given that I missed the morning dose of utrogestan, I did the night dose at 10.30 pm and another one at 1 am. I was wondering whether the fact that I delayed the first dose of utrogestan ( and the pregnancy hormone progesterone) might have had any negative impact on my uterus receptivity. You input would be greatly appreciated ( it’s good to know for next time in case I ruined this transfer!! I still have 3 embryos on ice). A final query…It’s two days after the transfer and I have had leg craps since yesterday afternoon ( tight and painful hamstrings- the same feeling that we get when we exercise our legs and we want to do some leg stretching ). Many thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing your expert views soon! Many thanks!!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Maria,

      You’re at very high doses of progesterone. I don’t think a single dose is responsible for non-implantation. Best regards.

  169. Marija Reply

    Dear dr Marisa, thank you for your answers, they are really very helpful during the 2ww. I had my 2 blasts transfer yesterday and during the night I woke up with the pain in my bladder. I peed multiple times and felt discomfort down below similar to urinary infection. Could it be due to the cateter that was placed into my uretra during the transfer? I drunk some tee for uti and it felt better. I hope i will be able to take a sample of the first morning urine tomorrow as last night i went 10 times to the bathroom. I wonder if this could affect implantation? I also strained to poop 2 hours after the transfer and now worry that also affected implantation….

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Marija. The most important thing is to take a test for a possible urinary tract infection and treat it if it comes positive. Implantation should not be affected by that. Best regards and good luck!

  170. Alison Reply

    Hi Marisa I had a frozen embryo transfer on Wednesday and on Friday my 3 year son ran and jumped hitting me very hard in the lower abdomen. This was 2 days after the transfer, I have been worried that he could have caused the embryo to dislodge if it had started implanting. This was my last embryo and my last chance.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Alison. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  171. Heather Reply

    Dr. Marisa, could you please help me with this worry? I am TTC with donor sperm and this would be the time for implantation. My very strong 10-year-old daughter squeezed me as hard as she could around the lower abdomen, very hard and fast. It hurt a lot (my abdomen is quite small) and now I feel something like mild contractions. Could this prevent or derail implantation or cause early miscarriage? Please help.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Heather. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do beforehand or stop doing afterwards. Once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  172. Zira Reply

    Goodday Dr,

    I had my Donor blastocyst transfer on Tuesday and I was given 100mg/2ml gestone injection around 1pm. Transfer was at 2.40 pm. I was aslo given 400mg cyclogest pessaries to go home with for subsequent days(once daily starting Wednesday). However, I forgot i had been given the injection earlier in the day and used the cyclogest at night. Now i am afraid i have used too much dose of progesterone in one day and this might affect the endometrium. Please is there a problem? I also can’t feel anything at all except for twinges in my vaginas like I normally feel when I’m expecting my perios. I am really worried

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good afternoon, Zira. Since you already have undergone treatment and have doubts about the medication, my advice is that you to talk to your doctor, as he/she is the one that has actually prescribed the treatment and can best advise you in everything related to your case. Best of luck and kind regards.

  173. Sija Reply

    Hi Dr.Marisa, I had transfer 1 day ago. I am going through lower abdomin pain. Is it normal to have heaviness and pain?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Sija. Yes, it is likely to feel heavy, in addition to the transfer itself, it may be due to the progesterone. If it persists, do not hesitate to tell your doctor. Kind regards.

  174. Navo Reply

    Dear Doctor I have done my ET this 8th now I am getting a leg and upper belly pain and leg pain similar to periods .Is it normal?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Navo. Thank you for your comment. I recommend you to consult with the doctor in charge of your fertility treatment, as this can be completely normal, but you should still check with your consultant. Kind regards and good luck with the result!

  175. Madhu Reply

    I am on day 7 of FET, since then I am having guilt even if I lift water melon or even if I put small efforts on my body, worry about sleeping positions and I have so much of negative thinking and self doubts, does all these impact my embryo’s implantation ?

    Kindly suggest Mam.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Madhu. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  176. Sandz Reply

    Hi Dr Marisa

    I had a transfer today, it ran late so my bladder was super full, hard and uncomfortable by the time the transfer was done. The doctor just made mention my bladder was really full but didn’t say anything else. Could that negatively affect my transfer? I read somewhere that an overfill bladder results in cramping?

    Kind Regards

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good afternoon, Sandz. Embryo transfers are performed using abdominal ultrasound in order to guide the gynaecologist and place the embryo in the right place, and for this it is necessary to have a full bladder. Your gynaecologist is the one who must assess that everything is correct before transferring the embryo. We wish you the best of luck!

  177. Linn Reply

    Hi I had a transfer done on November 4 turn 12days today I Notice white discharge first week i don’t have any symptoms I did do a home pregnancy test but it was negative am 1day away from getting my period due to the calendar schedule Help is very depressing thank you .

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Linn. You should talk to the medical team in charge of following up your treatment. We always recommend our patients to also take a blood test in order to determine the hgc level, in case the urine test came negative; however, each doctor and clinic have their own protocols and we can only respond for those recommended to our patients. Best of luck and kind regards.

  178. Donna Reply

    Good day, Dr. Marisa. Thank you for this blog. Today is day 7 after frozen embryo transfer, and i am focusing on staying positive. 09/2022 transfer was unsuccessful and I now have 2 more frozen embryos left. How do i get rid of lumps cause by progesterone shots and how soon can i take a home pregnacy test?
    Thank you.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning, Donna.
      You could put arnica on the area where the progesterone is injected to reduce the lump and help it to be absorbed. As for the pregnancy test, you should take it on the day indicated by your doctor. I wish you the best of luck and hope everything goes well. Best regards!

  179. Molly Reply

    Hi Dr. Marisa,

    I am so happy to have found your blog. I apologize if this comment comes up twice for you. I’m unsure if the first was successfully sent because my phone froze. Yesterday, at 1dp5dt I was an emotional wreck. My husband and I got in a pretty bad fight and I cried HARD on and off for about 4 hours. Before our fight, I did feel a few twinges, but since then I haven’t felt anything more. I am so worried that the emotional stress from our argument harmed the implantation process and we ruined this FET. Would emotional stress be that impactful so quickly on our small implantation window? Normally I manage my stress quite well and do not have chronic stress otherwise, but it was a heavily emotional day yesterday.

    Thank you for all the information and guidance you provide to this community!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Molly. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  180. Kelly Reply

    Hi Dr.
    I had a frozen embryo transfer on Monday 11/28/22. We transferred 2 4AA blastocyst. I am 35 years old. The drs office & my husband asked for me not to do take a home pregnancy test and wait for the blood test done at the clinic on Thursday 12/8/22. I could not help my self and tested 4 days past the transfer and it was negative. I knew it was too soon but now feel really deflated. I told my husband and gave him all of the boxes of home pregnancy test. Well I found one in the bag of ovulation test and took it this am at 6 days past transfer and it was negative. I have been juicing a lot of beets prior to the transfer and after because I read it could help with implantation but do you think it did the opposite? Also I do endometrium 100 mg suppositories 3 x’s a day and then estradiol pills in the evening. I am concerned because quite a bit of the progesterone suppositories endback up in my underwear. Do you think is the suppositories or could it be still too soon? I have not had had any caffeine and been eating super healthy. My boobs are sore but I think because of the hormone meds.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Kelly. Thank you for your message. You should continue on your meds as prescribed and take your pregnancy test on the date advised by the doctor and medical team in charge of the follow-up of your treatment. Only then you can have a reliable result. Good luck and take care!

  181. Donna Reply

    Dr. Marisa, I am sharing my success story, my FET was 11/22, my blood test is positive i am pregnant. I am now scheduled for my 1st ultrsound in 2 weeks. I wish everyone blessings .

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Congratulations, Donna! I hope everything goes well with your pregnancy 🙂 Kind regards and take care!

  182. Marry Reply

    Hi Dr.
    I had my fresh embryo transfer yesterday. It was day 5 blastocyst.
    It is my 9th IVF cycle over last 6 years. All failed and had only one chemical pregnancy.
    This time also I tried to be normal. I don’t know if I did it right or not but after 7 hours of transfer I went out for sight seeing and walked around 1.5 to 2km slowly and calmly. My clinic is in other city. Then I travelled back home today. Yesterday, I was chilled that I have done the right thing and I have to be normal. But now I am anxious if I should have walked or not. Have I made a mistake?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Hi Maryam. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  183. Adrien Reply

    Hello Dr. Marisa
    How are you? I’m so happy you are here to give great advice I really need some right now
    I had my FET on 1/20/23. When i got home i filled a 16oz water bottle with warm /hot water and put it on my abdomen. I did this twice. I read on internet to do this to keep my abdomen warm…. then I see that I maybe I shouldn’t have done that, that hot water bottles/ heat can harm embryo. Should you do this after FET?- very concerned.
    Then to add more concern I slipped and fell on Day one and day 2 after my FET. They weren’t hard falls at all just so concerned if they negatively affected embro, what do you think?
    Ugghh. I have been soooo careful that it caused me to mess up 😔😓

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Hi Adrien. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  184. Anna Reply

    Dear Dr. Marisa,
    Yesterday was my day 7 after a 3 day embryo transfer. I pulled the sides of a Sofa to let the sides down, which was with some effort but I didn’t think that it would hurt me. After that I had pain in my uterus which lasted about 20 minutes. I’m so worried that I have hurt my embryo. I would appreciate your answer. Thank you.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Hi Anna. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts (pulling the sides of a sofa should not be a problem). Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  185. Yerie Mary Kamara Reply

    This morning I had a vivid dream of me masturbate and I had an orgasm. I just had a frozen embryo transfer two days ago. I am worried that it’s might affect the implantation process my mind is so worked up right now.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Hi Yerie Mary. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  186. Kat Reply

    I had an embryo transfer day 5 blastocyst 5 days ago. I rested for a couple of days and then I decided to do some things today. I was reaching for something and I felt the muscles in my stomach pull. Can this hurt the embryo? Can embryos un-implant? I’m afraid that I have hurt my chances now. Thank you for your advice.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Hi Kat. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  187. Cecilia Debbarma Reply

    Hi doctor. I had my FET on the 11th of March, 2023. The grade of embryos transferred were 3AB, 2BB. Post transfer I am on Estrogen tablets and Progesterone (all 3 – tabs, vaginal capsules and injections). I’ve read online that HCG injections are usually given in IVF. Is that true? If yes, why didn’t my doctor put me on HCG injections? Please advise.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Cecilia. I would recommend that you consult your doctor on this matter, as he/she is the one who has all your medical history and will be able to provide you with the best suitable answer on his/her decision on the prescribed medication plan for your specific case. Kind regards and best of luck!

      • Cecilia Debbarma Reply

        Thank you for your reply Dr. Marisa. Today, I am only two days away from my b-hcg testing. However, since my transfer on the 11th April (I got the month wrong last time), I have had absolutely no symptoms at all – no cramping, no spotting, no fatigue, no nausea. What result can I expect? I am getting a bit anxious since, in my last cycle, my bcg levels were in the grey area (9) and later came out negative.

        • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

          Dear Cecilia. The absence of typical pregnancy symptoms just before the b-hcg testing does not mean anything conclusive, as every woman reacts different. The only thing you can do, although I know it is difficult not to get anxious at this point, is to stay calm and wait for the result. I wish you the best of luck! Best regards.

  188. Neeva Reply

    Hi doctor
    I am neeva i am two days past five day transfer. Transferred two expanded blastocysta which showed differentiation. Had a wave of nausea on the day after the transfer but today is the day 2 of five day transfer i feel no symptoms other than fatigue this normal ?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good afternoon Neeva. In most cases, it takes approximately two weeks for early pregnancy symptoms to occur. I wish you the best of luck and that you can celebrate a positive result in a few days from now! Best regards.

  189. Aisha Reply

    Hi Dr. Marisa,

    I just had my FET today afternoon. I was taking a dose of progesterone vaginal cream twice a day, after every 12 hours. As it was advised not to take the morning progesterone vaginal cream dose before the FET transfer so after how long should you recommend taking the morning dose of progesterone cream ?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Aisha. Our recommendation is that you consult the doctor in charge of your treatment, as each clinic has its own protocols and it should be he/she the one to indicate you the dose you should take. Kind regards and best of luck!

  190. Bianca Reply

    Hi Dr. López-Teijón,
    I had my embryo transfer yesterday afternoon and I had gone to my acupuncture appointment a few hours after. My acupuncturist had heated the massage bed (I’m assuming a type of heating pad) and I’m reading that heating pads are not good since they can increase the body’s temperature. My session lasted around 35 minutes. Did I compromise my implementation stage?
    To what extent is heating pads not good, does your body have to get overheated?
    Thank you for your réponse

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Bianca. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  191. Bianca Reply

    Dear Dr. Marisa,

    I had my embryo transfer yesterday. I went for my acupuncture treatment afterwards. I layer down on may back on a warm massage bed (the acupuncturist had heated the bed I assume with a type of heating pads for those specific beds). I would say that my lower back and buttocks were warm. I started reading afterwards that heating pads are bad and that you cannot use them after a transfer. Now I am worried. The session lasted roughly 35 minutes. Have I compromised the implantation stage?
    Thanks for your response. I believe my last comment got deleted and so I’m writing another one to be safe. Thanks!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Bianca. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  192. Mimi Reply

    Hi, I have just had my embryo transferred today. I have been crying all day, and when my husband got home I yelled at him loads, I think my hormones are all over the place. Now I am so scared it won’t work, or I have damaged it or prevented it growing. Will it be ok?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Mimi. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards

  193. Tara Reply

    Hello Dr.
    I had my 2 embryo transfer on Dec 27. 9 days post transfer I was having abdominal tightness sore breast mild nausea. So I did HPT on 10 and it was positive. So I went ahead and did beta HCG on day 11 post transfer the results were 26.80. I feel that this is very low am I right?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Tara, we would recommend that you consult directly with the gynaecologist who has followed you throughout the whole process. He or she will assess the results and tell you how to continue.
      Best of luck to you!

  194. Danielle Reply

    Hello dr.
    I had my 6d embryo transfer on Jan.7.2024
    Since then I start feeling like i am exhaling air from my cervix and pushing the air like I am in labor I can feel pressure on my cervix opening
    But didn’t cause any cramps or pain in my uterus
    I know it’s probably from anxiety, stress and overthinking but I can’t control it
    Please tell me if these spasms or pushes affects my embryo implants I am so worried

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Danielle. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards

  195. Shakira Reply

    Hello Dr.
    For the first 5 days of PIO shots & embryo transfer day, my urine smelled like ammonia. Today, which is Day 1 of FET, i notice my urine didn’t smell. Could that be because of my progesterone levels are rising???

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Shakira. It is unlikely that injected progesterone would cause these changes in your urine. However, we recommend that you consult your gynaecologist in case he/she thinks it would be advisable to do a urine sediment to rule out other causes. Best regards.

  196. Naga Reply

    Hello Dr. Marisa,
    This is my 4th IVF, 7th FET, this time my OBGYN did ERA and came POST RECEPTIVE ( LATE ) and according to the report they did my 7th FET, this time it was 4AA ( first time ). I am anxious and mixed emotions, everything is done according to the OBGYN and still if it goes wrong what would have happened … ?

    I have 3 days more to do BETA HCG. Initially i had mild cramps, now ( 10th day ) I don’t feel anything. Just tired sometimes and anxious.

    Thank you for all your valuable

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Naga. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  197. Defi Reply

    Halo dr maris,dok saya baru menjalani Ivf 1,saya transfer embrio 1 dgn 2 embrio dgn kualitas good dtgl 22 januari 2024,dari awal transfer sampe h k 6 saya sudah mengalami kluhan lemah letih lesu ga napsu makan,kram perut,mual,sering bak,perut bagian bawah kencang,bb turun,seperti orabg sakit typoid,mrmang saya ada riwayat,d h k 7 sudah membaik cuman sembelit bab keras,d h k 8 sudah bisa makan banyak,tapi payudara mulai sakit merasakn kram perut seperti mau haid,mual tiap pagi,saya TP positif tapi samar sampe dh k 12 gjalanya masih sama n d h k 10 hasil TP masih positif tapi samar,

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Defi. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

  198. Mosam Reply

    Hi doctor
    So today I did my 2 embroyo transfer (grade 1)
    This is my second cycle.
    My uterine artery Doppler flow was 0
    And the ET was 9
    Is it necessary for the blood flow to be above 1 for success.?
    I have been trying since six months after my failed first attempt to get the blood flow but it remains the same.

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good afternoon. What is harmful is if the uterine doppler is greater than 3.
      It is very rare for the doppler to be zero. We would need to see a report from the sonographer and images to be able to give an accurate answer. The best thing to do is to consult the doctor who performed the ultrasound again. Best regards and best of luck!

  199. Mosam Reply

    If you can please help me with the above reports

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning and thank you for your message. Unfortunately, we cannot assess any medical reports through this channel. We would also need to have more information on your medical history. Should you wish to consult your case with one of our specialists, you can always book a first appointment by filling up this form: Otherwise, our recommendation would be to check again with your treating doctor and sonographer, as they are the ones in possession of all the data about your situation. Best regards.

  200. Jaymie Cunanan Reply

    I had FET april 22 after 9 days May 1 i got my HCG blood test but its negative is that accurate?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Ms Cunanan. I am sorry to hear that the result of your HCG blood test was negative. However, you should double check it with the specialist that has been following you up during your treatment. Kind regards and have a nice day.

  201. Luvet Reply

    Is the embryo transfer process painful or do they give drug before the process?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning and thank you for your message. The embryo transfer process, may cause some mild discomfort, but is generally not considered painful and typically does not require any anesthesia or pain medication. Best regards.

  202. Anitha Reply

    Hello Dr.

    I had my FET on 9th Aug with 3 embroys. I did my urine pregnancy test on 9th day after FET it gave positive result. I tried the test again 13th day after FET it was negative. Does that mean that the FET failed? I have severe sweating always from the time I got the tranfers. Is this normal?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Anitha. I am sorry to hear that the result of your last urine test was negative. However, you should double check it with an HCG blood test and with the specialist that has been following you up during your treatment. Kind regards and have a nice day.

  203. Anna Reply

    Hi Dr Marisa,
    Been reading your answers to all the women, thank you for all the clarity.
    I had my FET yesterday and later that same day went on a walk around the neighborhood which lasted 1.5 hours. Coming home after and going to use the restroom, I spotted a pinkish tissue-like bit in the toilet bowl.
    Could the long walk or what I spotted be reasons for concern?

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Good morning Anna. Thank you for your message. Implantation doesn’t really depend on anything you can do or stop doing, and once the embryo arrives to your uterus, the endometrium is in charge of everything else. Just beware of making hard physical efforts. With regards to the bit of tissue-like that you spotted in the toilet bowl, if you are worried about that, it is always better that you ask your treating doctor, as it is very difficult to assess this kind of matters remotely. Good luck with everything! Best regards.

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