Normozoospermia means normal sperm. When semen shows normal characteristics in a seminogram, it’s diagnosed normozoospermic.
The volume of the sample must be over 2 ml, it must contain over 20 million sperm/ml, 25% of which must have good motility and at least 4% must look normal.
As specialists in infertility, we’ve been warning about the gradual worsening of sperm quality for years. Thus, the day in which a patient analizes his semen for the first time has become a very important day. They’re usually nervous and want to do everything that’s in their hands for it to be a success.
They receive the following instructions: semen must be obtained through masturbation. The sample must be handed in within a sterile container that can be purchased at a chemist’s (same container as the ones used for urine samples), trying to collect the whole ejaculated matter. It must be left at the clinic within an hour after collection. Sexual abstinence is advised during the previous 3-5 days.
The adventure begins.
How the sample is obtained… It may seem obvious but let me clarify it a bit more, just in case as we don’t want any surprises further on… For instance, it’s not uncommon we see samples that look like a crime scene under the microscope: a sperm massacre by spermicide because the patient has used a preservative.
How to seal the container… Many want to ensure the sperm won’t escape so they thoroughly wrap it up in cellophane and some even secure the lid with sticking plaster. The treasure’s packaging is important and here patients let their creativity take in. Some bring them covered in the most beautiful aluminum wraps or in colorful bags from places where they buy their food, clothes, etc. Whenever we’ve conducted studies on young population some have even brought their samples in jars of jam and very narrow test tubes (how did they ever aim it in there!?)
How to carry the container… If the sample is brought to us by car, the typical question that rises is whether they should have heat or air conditioning on. It certainly doesn’t affect the sample. Once, a patient who brought it by motorcycle had it in his pocket and it fell – his sperm happened to land all over the front glass of the car behind him.
How to bring it on time… Patients ejaculate and sprint to us it before an hour goes by. When they finally reach the clinic, they’re surprised we don’t pick it up and run to the lab as if it were a relay race. They’re always grateful we don’t look into it as they feel they’ve performed poorly and the sample’s too small. It’s true, 2-5 ml take up very little space! It’s a very common question: should I be filling it more? The answer lies in sperm’s quality, not quantity. The liquid is produced in seminal vesicles and in the prostate and its merely a vehicle for spermatozoids. We do know good sexual stimulation will give place to a better sample.
How to prevent samples getting mixed… This worries both patients and us. We always ensure the tag on the container reads the patient’s name in front of him and check whether his face matches the photo of him we keep in his medical history. Whenever the wife brings the sample, she must also bring a signed consent form from the male. Additionally, the lab also undergoes strict controls which include a biologist acting as a “controller”, checking all the identifications. The rest of the team can only continue to work when they’ve received his approval.
How will I be sexually aroused in a hospital… Worried because his wife is in an operating room meanwhile, the man believes she’s gone through a whole medical process whilst he “only” must give a sperm sample and he fears to fail. Rooms are equipped with erotic visual supplies and despite their fears they’re usually successful, and they’re also fast! Us women who work in this area are surprised that the average time is 5 minutes! Nevertheless, some get stuck and can’t perform. There’s a procedure for these cases: first, we must know whether it’s erection or ejaculation he can’t achieve. Then, treatment is applied before a second attempt: if he doesn’t achieve erection we give him Viagra-like pills, while if they can’t ejaculate we try to relax them by letting them take a walk in a nearby park or with Valium-like pills. If they stil can’t achieve ejaculation, the procedure includes Plan B, which is the aspiration of sperm from the testicle (a very simple intervention).
Finally, I’d like to comment on some issues related to the sexual abstinence on the previous days. The standard for a seminogram are 3 to 5 days, though the number is simply an attempt to reflect reality as it’s the average frequency with which couple have sex. Nevertheless, when the sample is handed in for treatment, we give less importance to previous abstinence because the male who hasn’t ejaculated for days ejaculates a greater volume but old and dead sperm are gathered in it, and thus, DNA fragmentation is worse. Additionally, ICSI requires very few spermatozoids.
Hence, you can imagine their great relief when the adventure reaches its end and the report reads “normozoospermia”!
I am from India, and the whole article was true for me, from start, how to ejaculate till i read the report.
Dear Prashanth,
Thank you for sharing with us your experience.
Kind regards
Hiii sir iam suffering from normozospermia and treatment is available for that
Good morning,
Normozoospermia is diagnosed when semen follows the parameters of normality established by World Health Organization. A semen assessment with normal results tells us whether the sperm follows the parameters considered to be normal, but that doesn’t assure that it will be able to cross the oocyte’s outer layers and fertilise it correctly.In order to obtain a complete assessment, I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment. Best regards.
Volume : 02ml
Liquefaction : completely liquefied (after incubation at 37°c for 30 minutes
PH: Alkaline
Sperm Count : 90 million /ml. Normal values 20_150 million
Sperm motility: 80% actively motile 10% feebly motile,10% no motile.. Motility within one hour of ejaculation.
Sperm morphology : 80% sperm morphology within normal limits.
Other cell: pus cells (Leukocytes) plenty
Epithelial cells : 1-2/HPF
Germ cells – present
RBC : nil
Sperm climbing : Absent
Comment : Normozoospermia with infection
Good morning, Amran. Unfortunately, we cannot comment test results through this channel. However, with a diagnosis of Normozoospermia with infection, I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to get more details on the results of your semen assessment and get an appropriate treatment for it. Best regards.
Dear Dr.Marisa,
Thank you very much for this mind relieving article.
I recently obtained the test report out of curiosity. I am trying for the child. Report says:
90million count, 7.7pH, normal viscosity, 85%/65% motility for 1hr/2hr, Oval – 90%.
However, WBC is 3-4 HPF & Epithelial is 1-2 HPF, with Agglutination shown as “++”.
I searched in the web for the explanation, and now worried for the ++ indication.
Kindly provide your opinion as to whether this is normal to get my partner impregnated.
I shall be very much grateful to you for your kind advice.
Best Regards..
Dear Krishna,
Agglutination “++” is a quantitative valuation used in the reference laboratory. Agglutination specifically refers to motile spermatozoa sticking to each other, head-to-head, tail-to-tail or in a mixed way. The motility is often vigorous with a frantic shaking motion, but sometimes the spermatozoa are so agglutinated that their motion is limited.
Agglutination “++” isn’t correct form. The correct evaluation of the agglutination it is in grades 1-4 (WHO laboratory manual for the Examination and processing of human semen, Fifth edition). Sperm agglutination can indicate the presence of sperm antibodies or a bacterial infection.
Kind Regards,
Hello, My Husband and i are currently looking for a Kid and previous we visited the Doctors Office, but apparently the results weren’t very good at all, He was found with no Sperm Count in his semen. Meanwhile we are very confused as to what to do next, please advice of what should be the possible solution…
Eagerly waiting on your reply
Dear Annette,
Thank you for joining our Blog.
Your husband has a azoospermia, which is the name for the absence of sperm in the ejaculate. Azoospermia may be obstructive (OA) or nonobstructive (NOA). In the first case sperm production in the testes is more or less normal but can not leave them due to the obstruction of the seminal tracts at some point. In nonobstructive case there is a production problem, in most cases it is the lack of sperm-producing cells, the origin of this deficit is often unknown. In 50-60% of the NOA, there are isolated sources of sperm production in testes. In both cases OA and NOA sperm can be retrieved surgically from testes to use for an IVF-ICSI. In 100% of OA cases, in 50-60% of NOA cases. Besides, the NOA have a worse prognosis, since they are associated with chromosomal or genetic problems that may have an impact on the result of the reproduction technique or on offspring.
Kind Regards,
My report
70% actively motley
10% weakly motley
Rest non motley.
80% normal morphology.
Total count sperm. …60 million/ml.
Pus cell…………..2-3/HPF
Epithelial cell…4-6/HPF
Am I fertile ?
Dear Sir:
Since the concept of fertility is clinical (in the realm of the couple) and non-analytical (single), and it is mainly proven by having children and not by having normal sperm analysis, your question Am I fertile? can’t be answered restrictively.
Your spermogram shows normozoospermia, i.e. all values are above the so-called reference lower limit established by the WHO.
If we stick to the fact that this “reference lower limit” has been established from the values of sperm samples from fertile men, 95% of men who had equal or higher values than this limit achieved a pregnancy within a maximum of 12 months. Your sperm analysis would fulfill these criteria.
My semen report is
Abstinence days – 7 days
Color – Milky white
Odour: Musty
Volume: 1.0ml
Viscosity: Viscous
Reaction: Alkaline
Sperm Concentration/ml: 60
Total sperm number: 60 million
Total motility (%) : 70%
Progressive motility (%) : 50%
Sperm morphology : 70%
Vitality (%) : 70%
Total number of abnormal spermatozoa : 30% (Mostly round head & bend neck)
Pus Cells : Nil
Immature germ cell: 3-5/H.P.F
RBC: Nil
Epithelial Cells: Nil
Remarks – Normozoospermia
Kindly conform any problem or not & My age is 43 , Gender is Men
Dear R. Kumar,
The figures in your semen reports are normal.
Best regards,
My report
40% actively motley
30% reduced motley
Rest non motley.
50% normal morphology.
Total count sperm. …90 million/ml.
Pus cell…………..3-4/HPF
Epithelial cell…nill
Am I fertile ?Am I capable to give my wife pregnancy.
Dear Ratul.
Thank you for joining us.
Semen analysis is within normal parameters, so it should be considered potentially fertile.
Kind regards,
Dear Sir,
My semen report is
Abstinence days – 3 days
Appearance – Normal
PH – 7.6
Viscosity -0
Sperm Conscentration : 15mill/1ML
Progressive – 10%
Non Progressive – 45%
Non Motile – 45%
Total Motillity -55%
Normal – 7%
abnormal head -56%
abnormal midpice -9%
abnormal tail -28%
Remarks – Normozoospermia
Kindly conform any problem or not & My age is 28 , Gender is Men
Dear Vinod,
Thank you for joining us.
As I can read, the result is a Normozoospermia so the semen report is ok.
Kind Regards,
Is my test result normal?
Dear Rasid,
Thank you for joining us.
The parameters are normal, but them not make any reference about sperm mobility.
Kind Regards,
volume – 2ml
PH – 7.7 alkaline
Viscosity -normal
whole of collection – whole
agglutination – “++”
count (million/ml) – 85 million
oval – 90%
large – 05%
amorphous – 05%
WBC – 3-4/HpF
epithelial – 1-2/HPF
Hours Post Ejaculation – 1 hr 2 hr
Active present – 90% 70%
Grade III II
Remarks – Normozoospermia
Kindly conform any problem or not & My age is 30 , Gender is Men
Dear Hariish,
Your diagnostic is Normozoospermia, which means that your results are ok.
Kind Regards,
Dear, sir my semen report . Volume_1.5 ml
Colour – grey-opalescent
Viscosity – norml
Sperm count – 60 millions /ml
Total sperm number 90 million
Sperm motility total 50%
Prrogressiv 40%
Non progressive 10%
Non motile 50%
Sperm viability 63%
Sperm morphology normal 5%
Head defects 41%
Neck & midpiece defects 19%
Tail defect 35%
Agglutination +
Pus cells 3 million /ml
Debris +
Dear Mr. Sunil
Number, mobility and normal morphology.
Presence of pus cells > 1 million / ml. It is suspected seminal infection. Indicated make semen culture.
Yours faithfully
Sir this is the report
Color yellowish
Viscousity: highly viscous
Day of abstinence:4
Time from ejaculation to analysis:30 mins
Liquefaction:20 mins
Volume:4 ml
Sperm concentration: 91 million/ ml
Total sperm count: 364 million
– rapid progression:34%
-non progressive:24%
Total motile count: 211,120,000
WBC; 3×10^6 / ml
Normal forms: 5%
Please confirm status. Thanks
Dear Noel,
You have a high level of white blood cells in semen. Please see an andrologist/urologist regarding this .
Kind regards,
Tell me about’ Pus cells ‘
Sperm concentration 80 million
Active motile 65 %
Sluggishly motile 20%
Immotile 15%
Normal morphology 80%
RBC nil
Pus cells 2-3
Fat globules nil
Overall comments : normozoospermia
But in testosterone test:
Result 5.12 nmol/L where reference value for 20 to 50 age should be 10.40 – 35.71 as per test report.
Am I okay to make my partner pregnant?
Dear Mr:
The semen analysis is normal so you should not have problems to get a natural pregnancy.
Testosterone levels vary throughout the day, this kind of test should be done first thing in the morning. You should repeat in 2 months the test of testosterone. This is the total testosterone but the biologically active is free testosterone. The total one could be decreased and the free one could be normal. Although it was not the situation, under any circumstances you don’t need to do a testosterone replacement therapy because it would because it may cause a decrease in the production of sperms.
Best Regards
So nice of you. Thanks.
I am married for last 2 and 7 Months. Male. We did not yet have baby till now inspite of trying . I am mentioning the semen analysis report here (did this month Aug 18): Volume 2 ml, Liquefaction : Completely liquefied, PH alkaline, sperm count 30 million (almost 5 days abstinence), sperm motility 60% actively, 25% feebly motile, 15% non motile; sperm morphology 60% within normal limits, Pus cells Leukocytes 2-4/HPF, Epithelial cells 1-3/HPF, Germ cells – present, RBC – Nil, Comment: Normozoospermia. However almost 3 years ago i did the semen analysis where my sperm count was 80 million but within 2 years and 7 months it came to 30 million. Am i okay to have a baby and what should i do to stop the continuation of sperm loss? I would be happy if i get your few words on this issue. Thank you so much.
Dear Miron,
Considering that the diagnosis is normozoospermia, I guess 30 million are per ml., which in 2 mL make up for 60 million in total, which is far more than the 39 million, which would be the lower limit below. Production of sperm cells is subject to fluctuations, hence there are not 2 seminograms that are equal in number. Both your seminograms are normal in figures. Regarding motility, I guess 60% refers to progressive motility, being the lower limit below 32%; so, it is also normal, as are morphology and the rest of paramenters.
I wouldn’t take it as a decrease in production, but as a physiological fluctuation, since both ejaculates should be considered as potentially fertile.
If you would undertake another seminogram, I am sure it would turn out different too.
More abstinence days don’t increase the number of sperm cells: with 2-3 days is enough to evaluate your seminogram.
Hope this helped you.
Kind regards.
Volume : 2.0 ml
Greyish white
30 minutes
pH 8.0
Sperm count 50 millions/ml
Progressive motility 75%
Non Progressive motility 10%
Non motile 75%
Normal forms 20%
AbNormal forms 20%
Am I okay to make my partner pregnant?
Dear Sammas,
Thank you for joining us.
Normal semen with normozoospermia should be considered potentially fertile in consequence the probabilities of pregnancy are normal.
Kind Regards,
Thank you very much for your time and explanation.
Dear doctor Manisa
My semen analysis shows 4%normal form, is it enough for getting prenancy?
Dear HSM,
Thank you for joining us.
This result is considered by WHO as a normal form.
Kind Regards,
Dr Marisa,
report readings:
conc/ml = 106 mio /ml
%motility =65%
%progression= 33%
kinetics= 1+2
normal forms (strict kruger criteria) = 5%
total sperm count= 424 mio
total motile= 276 mio
conclusion: Normozospermia
gelatinous material 1+
can you plz clarify what is the meaning of gelatinous material +1, and does this mean infertility?
Dear David,
Sometimes in a sperm simple gelatinous material appears. It’s a coagulated seminal plasma and it’s not related to infertility.
Volume : 2.0 ml
Greyish white
30 minutes
pH 8.0
Sperm count 50 millions/ml
Progressive motility 75%
Non Progressive motility 10%
Non motile 75%
Normal forms 20%
AbNormal forms 80%
Am I okay to make my partner pregnant?
my semen result is…
liquefaction-completely liquiefied
sperm count-90 ml/ml
sperm motility…
active motile- 20 %
feebly motile- 20%
non motile- 60% (motility within one hour of ejaculation)
sperm abnormality- 15%
other cells:
leukocytes- 1-2 /hpf
epithelial cells- 1-2 /hpf
sperm clumping- present
fructose- present
Dear Ogro,
The active motility of 20% is lower than normal (32%), however, this deficit would be offset by the number of 90 million sperm / ml (normal 15 M / ml).
I would recommend you repeat the seminogram.
Kind regards,
My Semen Analysis Report Is
Volume : 1.5 cc
colour : Whitish
Viscosity : Viscous
Reaction : Alkaline
Count : 110 million/ml
Morphology : 70 % are of normal morphology
Active Motile : 60 %
Reduced Motility : 20 %
Non Motile : 20 %
Pus Cell : 8-10/ HPF
Epithelial Cell : Nill
Clumping of sperm : Absent
Pathological Doctors comment in report that…… Normozospermia with significant number of pus cell
Am I fertile? If not then suggest me how could be fertile?
Dear Sabuj,
All semen results are normal and therefore it should be considered potentially fertile.
The presence of “Pus Cell” may be indicative of a seminal infection so it is advisable to perform a semen culture to rule out infection.
Kind regards,
Volume : 1.5 cc
colour : Whitish
Viscosity : Viscous
Reaction : Alkaline
Count : 30 million/ml
Sperms abnormality: 30 % upto 30% abnormal
Active Motile : 10 %
Feebly Motile : 5 %
Non Motile : 85 %
(Motility within 1hr of enjection)
other cells
1. Leukocytes :1-2/ HPF
2. Epithelial cells : 1-2/ HPF
3. RBC : Nill
sperm clumping : Absent
fructose :present
Comments : Normozoospermia with low motility
Am I fertile? If not then suggest me how could be fertile?
Dear Faisal,
The number of sperm is normal but the percentage of sperm with progressive mobility is less than normal, so the probabilities of natural pregnancy are significantly diminished.
Consult with a specialist.
Kind Regards,
Dear Sir,
My semen report is
Abstinence days – 3 days
Quantity -1ML
Reaction- ALKALINE
Liquification -30min
Microscopic Exmination (SEMEN)
SPERm concentration -90millions/ml
Active Motile-20%
Sluggishly motile -40%
Normal Forms -60%
Abnormal Forms -40%
pus cells -6-8/HPF
Epithelial cells-1-2/HPF
RBC -3-4/HPF
others – NIL
Dear N,
Your report is totally normal.
Kind Regards,
Dear Doctor,
I,am From Bangladesh.
My Semen Report
Physical Examination
Color: Grayish white
Liquefaction: Completely With in 30 min
Microscopic Examination
1. Sperm Count: 23 million/ml
2. Sperm motility
Actively Motile 25%
Feebly Motile 25%
Non Motile: 50%
3. Morphology : 70% Normality
4. Others
Pus Cells : 0-2/HPF
Epithelial Cell : 1-3/HPF
RBC : Nill
Agglutination: Absent
Opinion: Normozoospermia
Is it All Normal ? Married , Trying for baby.( Partner have some Problem, Her treatment going on) My Age 32 .I am little smoking ( 4/5 Stick per day) Nothing els .Weight 58Kgs , High: 05 feet. For More best quality sperm what should i do? Waiting for your suggestions.
Dear Sumon Dey,
Thank you for joining us.
Number of spermatozoa within the norm.
Mobility slightly decreased 25% (normal 32%).
Consult with a uro-andrologyst to identify possible causes of decreased mobility and indicate treatment.
Kind Regards,
Dear sir,
My semen report volume 03ml,appearance- normal, PH-7.9
total sperm concentration 20 million/ml,
active motile 40%,Sluggishly motile 15%,Immotile 45%, normal morphology 40%, RBC Nill, Pus cells 6-8, Fat globules nil.
Dear md.saifullah,
The semen of your partner is ok, but we don´t have enough information about your case in order to give you an answer.
We suggest you to visit an IVF consultant,
Kind regards
Dear Doctor,
Can you please confirm all the below values are in normal range.
Volume : 3.0 ml
Colour : Greyish White
Reaction / pH : Alkaline (8.0)
Viscocity : Viscid, Opaque
Sperm Count. : 38 Millions/ml
Total Sperm Number : 114 Millions/Ejaculate
Agglutination : Absent
Motility *
a) Progressive Motility : 60%
b) Non Progressive Motility : 20%
c) Non motile : 20%
a) Normal forms : 10%
b) Abnormal forms Head defects : 20%, Neck defects : 20%, Tail defects : 20%, Excessive cytoplasm : 30%
Other Findings**
Pus Cells : 2-3/HPF 0 – 1/HPF
Epithelial Cells : Nil 1 – 2/HPF
RBC : Nil
Dear Gopi,
You do not have to worry at all. The test result is completely normal.
Kind regards,
My analysis report reads as:
Appearance : Whitish
Volume : 3ml
Viscosity : normal
Sperm count: 40 mill/ ml
Motile Spermatozoa : 35%
progressive : 30%
Non- progressive : 5%
Immotile: 65%
Normal Sperm : 7%
Head defect: 38%
Neck defect : 32%
Tail defect: 20%
Cytoplasmic droplet : 2%
Round cell: 0-1 HPF
Agglutination: –
Debris : –
PH: 7.4
Kindly advise is it normal reading?
Dear vijay,
All parameters are corrects,
Kind regards
my semen analysis report reads:
a) Normal forms : 4%
b) Abnormal forms Head defects : 64%, Neck defects : 19%, Tail defects : 13%.
Debris found in semen.
Rest of the parameters are within normal range.
Are the above mentioned points reason to worry or do i need to get any treatment for defects & debris?
Thanks & Regards
Dear AshishS
The sperm contains spermatozoa, cells and cell debris.
If the analyst does not specify what is involved, it is not relevant.
Dear,I am 35yrs old,found mild atherospermia last year.Please read my recent Semen Analysis report:1)volume :3ml 2)pH:7.2 3)motility:50% 4)morphology normal:50% 5)Agglutination :yes 6)epithelial cell:3-2/HPF 6)Pus cell:2-1/HPF
I am married since five years,partner (32yrs)has got no problem.we are trying hard to get a baby.
what about my report?can you please give me any suggestion how could I make my partner pregnant?
Dear Ripon,
Unfortunately, the report is incomplete for an assessment. The total sperm count and the percentages of the different types of sperm motility are not indicated.
Kind regards
Hi doctor can you confirm below results are in normal range:. Sperm conc: 70mill/ml normal forms 70% abnormal forms 30% and rapid progressive 40% and moderate 30% and slow progressive 30% and motility 40% and impression is normozoospermia .my husband diagnosed with bilateral varicocele his age is 30 please suggest whether report is normal
Dear Srilatha,
We confirm that the results are in normal range.
Kind regards
Thank you sir
Volume : 1.0 ml
Greyish white
35 minutes
pH 7.0
Sperm count 71 millions/ml
Sperm count per ejaculate 71 million
Progressive motility 75%
Rapid Forward Progression 60%
Sluggish Forward Progression 30%
Non Progressive 5%
Non Motile 5%
Sperm morphology :
per 100 sperms
Normal Sperms 95%
Abnormal head 04%
Abnormal neck 01%
Abnormal Tail 00%
WBC <1 million
Epithelial Cells NIL
Agglutination of sperms
Granular Debris
Am I okay to make my partner pregnant?
Dear Sir:
Your spermogram shows normozoospermia, i.e. all values are above the so-called reference lower limit established by the WHO.
Since the concept of fertility is clinical (in the realm of the couple) and non-analytical (single), and it is mainly proven by having children and not by having normal sperm analysis, your question Am I fertile? can’t be answered restrictively.
Kind Regards,
I had a semen analysis and all parameters understood, but at the comment section it was written
“Normozoospermia with the evidence of genital infection”
Is it very serious issue
Dear Tanish,
Presence of pus cells (leukocytes) > 1 million / ml. It is suspected seminal infection. Indicated make semen culture.
My Sperm Count: 22million/per ml
Motility: 45% active, 15% feeble, 40% non motile
Morphology: 55% Normal, 45% abnormal
Comment: Normozoospermia with high morphological abnormality of sperm & infection….Please tell me the status and possible treatment for any problem if you see
Dear Heratul,
Normozoospermia means that all parameters are within the normal range, therefore there is no indication for a treatment.
Considering that semen could have physiological fluctuations, I would suggest you to repeat the seminogram in 4 weeks and in another laboratory.
What is my result?
Dear Rudro,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
My analysis is
Liquidation 30 mins
Volume 3.0
Concentration 170 *10*6
Motility 60%
Rapid linear 20%
Slow linear 30%
Non progressive 10%
Immotile 40%
Morphology 50%
Abnormal form
A. Head 25%
B. Neck 10%
C. Tail 15%
Epithelial cell nil
WBC nil
Agglutination NO
Dear Mamun,
The analysis shows a normal semen sample.
Kind regards
my report is
appearance=homogenous,grey opalescent.
sperm count(concentraion)=34mil.
sperm count/ejaculation=85mil.
activ motile=10%.
sluggy motile=25%
non motile=65%
non soecific=100
normal forms=40
abnormal forms=60
pus cells=2-3/hpf
epithelial cells=1-2hpf
immature germ cells=0-1/hpf
granual & globules=present
it is a normal results or no….?
Dear Sheetal:
The seminogram’s result is not normal since there is a decrease in the active mobility that should be 32%.
We recommend to repeat the seminogram after one month from the date of this one and if it is possible in another laboratory.
Kind regards
Dear sir,my husband results,appearance greyish white,viscosity droplets,volume0.1ml,liquefaction time35 mins,pH 8.0,sperm count 50 million,actively motile grade3 45,sluggish motile grade2 20,non progressive grade1 15,non motile grede0 20,normal form 80,abnormal form 20,head 05,neck 10,tail 05,pus cells 1-2/hpf,epithelial 1-2/hpf,redblood cells 0-1/hpf,agglutination nil,germinal cells,normozoospermia,comment nil,was asking if he’s able to pregnate in normal way or we have to go for artificial
Dear Jeska,
It is possible but is unlikely due to the low seminal volume. An andrological study is necessary since some of these causes may be related to genetic abnormalities that can have repercussions on offspring.
Kind regards
Hello Dr. Marisa,
Hope you are doing good…
Today i got my Semen Analysis Report , can you please check and let me know if every thing is ok please…
Volume : 1.0 ml
Color : Greyiesh White
Viscosity : Normal
Reaction / PH : Alkaline
Fructose (Qualitative) : Present
Sperm Concentration : 18
Total Sperm Count : 40
Agglutination : Absent
Progressive Motility : 30 %
Non Progressive Motility : 30 %
Non Motile : 40 %
Normal forms : 20%
Abnormal forms : 80%
Pus Cells : 1-2/hpf
Epithelial Cells : 0-1/hpf
Spermatogenic Cells : 1-2/hpf
RBC : 0-1/hpf
Thanks and Regards,
Dear saikrishna
The volume is less than normal. In most cases it is due to low sexual stimulation and / or low duration of the same.
The number of spermatozoa is at the minimum of what is considered normal.
Progressive mobility is slightly lower than that considered normal (32%).
WHO advises to conduct two separate seminograms 4 weeks between them.
We suggest to repeat the seminogram
Kind regards
hello sir
yesterday i got my semen analysis report
that is: duration of abstinence :04 days ref: 2-7
analysis interval :30 minit ref:not more then 60 minit
liquefaction :30 ref: 30-60
appearance ;hazy
viscosity : normal
volume :02ml
total sperm concentration :80 m/ml
%motility :55 % ref: not less then 50 %
%normal morphology 60% ref : 30%
pus cell 6-8 /hpf
rbc 0-2 /hpf
Dear Sohel,
The analysis shows a normal semen.
Kind regards
plz advice me what can i do now , how is situation now how time to need recovery
is it possible to recovery 100%
Dear Sohel,
Thank you for participating in the blog.
The analysis shows a normal semen.
Kind regards
this report sheet have a doctor comment : comment is normozoospermia with infection what is this comment about my report
Dear sir
My Test Report is,
Volume :2cc
Colour : whitish
Viscocity : Viscous
Reaction : Alkaline
Count : 120 million/ml
Morphology : 7o% are of normal morphology
Motility :
a. Actively motle : 70%
b. Reduced motility : 10%
c. Non motile. :20%
pus cell. : Nill
Epithelial cell :Nill
Clumping of sperm : Absent
Plese Tell Me The result Is Ok .& enough to make pregnent.
Dear Shakkar,
The analysis shows a normal semen.
Kind regards
Semen analysis-cont-20 millions/ml motility-occasionally,normal -10% please give me your opinion
My age 41 years
Dear Satya,
There is a severe decrease in mobility, consequently the chances of natural gestation are greatly diminished.
Consult with an andrologist specialist.
Kind regards
My report,
Total count:30Million/ml
Actively motile: 60%
Feebly motile: 20%
Non motile: 20%
Abnormal sperms: 20%
Pus cells:2-4/HPF
Epith cells:1-2/HPF
Germ cells: present
Clumps of sperm: Absent
Am I okay to make my partner pregnant?
Dear Al Mamun,
In our experience if the sample was complete this spermiogram shows hipospermia, moderate oligozoospermia because the volume is quite low, less than 1,5 ML.
Volume: 2ml
Appearence: Grey white
Viscosity: increased
Liquification time: Not liquified even after 2 hrs
Ph: Alkaline
Fructose test: positive
Total sperm count: 82.0/ ejuculate millions/ml
Rapid progression: 15
Active : 35
Sluggish : 20
Non motile sperms: 15%
Dead : 15
Abnormal forms : 15-20
Spetm concentration: 41.0 millions
Pus cells : 0-1 / hpf
RBCs : nil
Epithelial cells : 0-1 /hpf
Granules & globules : 15 -20 /hpf
Immature cells : 5-6 /hpf
In conclusion : Normazospermia
RESULT DATE: 11/08/2017
This is my report but my wife is not getting pregnant. Test is done for her also but she is also fertile. I want to know that in my report it shows Active: 35 is this ok and pls any problem in my report mention that pls
Age 29
Dear Punith kumar,
Your seminogram shows a normal semen
Kind regards
Dear Punith kumar,
Your seminogram shows a normal semen
Kind regards
Hello Dr,
Kindly see my Semen Test report and pass me any advice if i need any treatment or it seems ok….???
Appearance : Grey Transluscent
volume : 5.3ml
pH : 8.5
Sperm concentration : 51.50million /ml
Total Sperm count : 272.95 million /ejaculate
Viability : 82.6%
With excellent as well as good forward progression : 65.4%
With good forward progression: 56.9%
Non Motile : 29.1%
With excellent forward progression : 8.5%
With no forward progression 5.5 %
Round Cells : 2
Inflammatory Cells : Nil
Mucus : Nil
Clumping : Nil
Total abnormal sperms : 33.9 %
Abnormal Heads : 4.1%
Abnormal middle pieces : 16.9%
Abnormal Tails : 12.9%
Dear Mohammad Sajid,
Your semen test shows a normal semen so you don´t need any treatment.
Kind regards
Please see and suggest me if i need any treatment
Had azoospermia due to slow movement and low count.
last test showen normozoospermia! – there is hope!
anything to DO and NOT TO DO to keep it normal : food , drinks ( coffee alkohol red bull)
i am 32 so i do a lot of those !
please advise!
thank you
Dear Sj,
Azoospermia is the absence of spermatozoa, if you previously had low mobility and low count what you probably had was oligoastenozoospermia.
Sperm production is subject to physiological fluctuations, so a single seminogram is not sufficient to establish a diagnosis.
If you now have normozoospermia you should repeat the analysis in 3 months.
We suggest to maintain a healthy lifestyle, with proper nutrition and physical exercise and to avoid excessive alcohol and coffee as well as energy drinks.
Kind regards
COLOUR : Grey white
PUS CELLS SEMEN 1-2 cells/hpf
IMPRESSION SEMEN : Normozoospermia.
Dear Ajay,
The results shows a normal semen sample.
Kind regards
Am I okay to make my partner pregnant?
COLOUR : Grey white
MID PIECE : 10 %
PUS CELLS SEMEN 1-2 cells/hpf
anything I have to do changes in life style?
above parameters ok to make my partner pregnant?
please advise!
Dear Arun,
The result of the analysis is normal, so the semen is potentially fertile.
In order to be able to indicate what modifications you must make in your lifestyle, you must know what your lifestyle is. Either way, your lifestyle does not seem to have a negative impact on your fertility.
Kind regards
Hello Dr.
The clinical analysis of semen
Volume- 3ml
Colour- opaque grey
Viscosity- high
Liquification time-20min
Actively motile- 5%
Sluggishly motile- 5%
Non motile- 90%
Abnormal head- 30%
Impression-normozoospermia with reduced motility
Dear Arun,
The result of the analysis is normal, so the semen is potentially fertile.
In order to be able to indicate what modifications you must make in your lifestyle, you must know what your lifestyle is. Either way, your lifestyle does not seem to have a negative impact on your fertility.
Kind regards
Thank you Doctor
Is there any chances of normal fertilization…..or we have to go with IUI or IVF .
I am worried about the motility of sperm.
Thank you Doctor
Is there any chances of normal fertilization…..or we have to go with IUI or IVF .
I am worried about the motility of sperm.
Please advise below semen analysis and what should be done
Color: Greyish white
Volume: 5 ml
Concentration: 6.95 M /ml
Total Count: 34.75 M / ejaculate
Liquified after: 30 min
Total motility: 60%
Progressive motility: 30%
Non progressive motility: 30%
Abnormal forms: 45%
Dear Ahmed,
Sperm count and motility are below the normal range and consequently that decrease the chances of getting natural gestation.
We suggest to consult with a urologist / andrologist.
Kind regards
Hi Dr
Semen analysis report I collected today show;
Volume(ml). 7.0
Liquifaction ; (norml)
Total motility(%). 61
Rapid. Forward progression(%). 7
Slow forward progress. 40
Non progress motility(%). 14
Sperm count(millon/ejaculation). 51
Total sperm count(M/ ejaculation). 357
Sperm morphology(normal form) %. 49
White blood cell(HPF). 2—- 3
Sample appearance. Normal
Then d comment is ; Normozoospermia.
Pls I need your advice
Dear Kunle,
The result of the analysis is normal.
Kind regards
Thanks Dr
hi sir check my report is there any problem in it
Volume : 1.0 ml
Colour : Greyish White
Viscocity : Abnormal
Liquefaction time : 60 Minutes
Biochemical Examination
Reaction / pH : Alkaline >/= 7.2
Fructose (Qualitative) : Present Present
Microscopic Examination
Sperm Concentration : 90 Million / ml
Total Sperm Count : 90 Million / Ejaculate
Agglutination : Absent Absent
Total Motility *(a+b)
a) Progressive Motility : 40%
b) Non Progressive Motility : 25%
c) Non motile : 35%
a) Normal forms : 20%
b) Abnormal forms : 80%
Other Findings
Pus Cells : 5-6/hpf
Epithelial Cells : 1-2/hpf
Spermatogenic Cells : Nil
RBC : Nil
Dear prudvi raju ruddarraju
Number, motility and morphology within normal values.
The presence of Pus Cells: 5-6 / hpf, may indicate the presence of infection that should be discarded by performing a semen culture and proving positive to perform antibiotic treatment.
Kind regards
Thanks for the information, I have contacted several doctors but no one said this . they are suggested to go IUI but I am excepting natural one is that possible?
My semen analysis result is-
Quantity : Adiquate
Color: Greyish white
Reaction: Alkaine
Viscosity: Normal
Liquefaction: complete after 30 min incubation at 37*C
Sperm count: 50 million/ml
Active motile=71%
Weakly motile=15%
Non motile=05%
Sperm Morphology: Normal:80%
Pus cell : 5-10 / HPF
Epithelial cells
Dear Saju,
All the analyzed parameters are within the normality, consequently it is a normozoospermia.
Kind regards
Epithelial cells : Nil / HPF
RBC : Nil/ HPF
Dear Sir,
My semen analysis report
Volume- 1.5 ml
Appearace- Whitish
Viscocity- Normal
Liquification Time- completely liquidy after 30 minutes.
Reactiin- Alkaline
Total Count- 80 million/ml
Actively Motile- 50%
Feebly Motila- 15%
Non Motile- 35%
Morphology: Normal 60%
Pus Cells- 8-10/HPF
Epitheilial Cells- 1-2/HPF
RBC- Nill/ HPF
Germ Cells- 1-2/ HPF
Sperm Clumping- Present
Comments- Normozoospermia
Is there everything normal sir?
Dear Asad,
Indeed, all the seminal parameters are within normal limits.
Kind regards
Dear Sir,
We are trying last one year. We have consulted with gynecologist from February this year. My wife has no problem. I also abstain myself from smoking since February. But result is dissappointing.
Dear Sir,
My semen report is
Abstinence days – 3 days
Appearance – Grayish white
PH – 7.4
Viscosity -Normal
Sperm Conscentration : 15million/ML
Rapid Progressive – 25%
Slow Progressive – 30%
Non Progressive – 10%
Non Motile – 35%
Spem morphology : Normal-55%, Abnormal-45%
Pus Cells- 01-01/HPF , RBC- Nill
Remarks – Normozoospermia
Am I fertile ? Am I capable to give my wife pregnancy. Please help me if any advice ~
Dear Khan,
All semen parameters are within the normal range. So it should be considered potentially fertile.
Kind regards
Dear Madam,
My Semen Analysis report is as follows:
Volume : 1.0 ml
Colour : Greyish White
Viscocity : Viscid, Opaque
Liquefaction time : 30 Minutes
Reaction / pH : 8.0
Fructose (Qualitative) : Present
Sperm Concentration : 167.00 Million / ml
Total Sperm Count : 167.00 Million / Ejaculate
Agglutination : Absent
Total Motility *(a+b)
a) Progressive Motility : 38%
b) Non Progressive Motility : 09%
c) Non motile : 53%
a) Normal forms : 09%
b) Abnormal forms : 91%
Sperm Vitality #
a) Live Sperms : 45%
b) Dead Sperms : 55%
Other Findings
Pus Cells : 4-6/HPF
Epithelial Cells : 1-2/HPF
Spermatogenic Cells : Nil
RBC : Nil
Impression : Normozoospermia
*Motility : The lower reference limit for total motility (Progressive + Non-Progressive) is 40%
# The marked test parameter is not included in NABL scope of Accreditation
Kindly let me know, I’m i fertile???
Hi Raj,
your semen analysis is normal, you have normozoospermia, that’s you’re fertile.
My semen report
Vol. 1.5ml
Viscocity . Normal
Liq time. 30min
Ph. Alkaline
Fructose. Present
Sperm concentration. 40
Total sperm count. 60
Agglutination. Absent
Progressive motilitt. 20%
Non prog motility. 20%
Non motile. 60%
Normal forms. 80%
Abnormal forms. 20%
Pus . 1-2/hpf
Epithelial cells. 1-2/hpf
Spermatogenic cells. 1-2/hpf
Rbc. Nill
Please tell me what is the result.
El laboratorio establece un diagnóstico de normozoospermia porque la movilidad total es del 40% (formas móviles progresivas + móviles no progresivas). Sin embargo, clínicamente debe considerarse que hay un déficit de movilidad, ya que las formas móviles progresivas son del 20% (siendo lo normal el 32%) y solo éstas son las que pueden embarazar.
El consejo es repetir el seminograma pasadas 4 semanas desde la realización de éste.
Un saludo
Hello, My wife and I have been trying to get pregnant for 1 year
Your feedback on my semen analysis would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Diagnostic: Normozoospermia
29.36 M/ml (15M/ml)
123.31 M/Sample (.39M/Sample)
Volume: 4.20 ml
Dillution 1:2
Progressive (PR) = 52.42 % (>32%) (Rapid progressive = 14.55%
Medium progressive = 37.88 %)
Non-progressive (NP) = 21.02 %
Motile 73.44 % (>40%)
Normal 6.93 %
Abnormal 93.07 % (Head defects)
Tail defects 0 %
Midpiece defects 28.71 %
Cytoplasmic 4.95 %
Dear Mr. Loisel,
The sperm test you sent us is totally normal.
Best regards,
Can you please advise…. Any issues for health & baby formation?.
Method Of Collection Masturbation
Liquefaction Normal
Viscosity Normal
Appearance Normal
Volume 1 ML
Aggregation Nil
Agglutination Nil
Round Cells <5 mill/ml
Sperm Concentration 28mil/ml
Progressive (PR) 32%
Non Progressive (NP) 26%
Immotile (IM) 48%
Total Motile (PR+NP) 58%
Normal Forms 8%
Abnormal Head 39%
Abnormal Mid Place 11%
Abnormal Tail 9%
Multiple Defects 33%
Impression Normozoospermia
Please tell me sperm is fertile or not?. If any more details required, please let me know.
Dear Sanju,
In order to make a correct clinical assessment, the WHO advises at least 2 sperm test (4 weeks between the), so this opinion is limited to the sperm test provided.
The normal seminal volume is lower than normal (nv> 1.5 mL) in most cases is due to lack of sexual stimulation, short duration of the sexual stimulation or loss of part of the sample, although there may also be pathological causes .
Although the sperm concentration is normal (nv> 15 M / mL) the total number of spermatozoa is lower than normal (nv> 39 M / mL) since in this case, being the volume of 1 mL and total sperm concentration the same: 28 M / mL and 28 M in total. This total provides the information about the testicle.
Motility (nv> 32% PR) and morphology (nv> 4%) are normal.
In summary, the total number of sperm that can achieve pregnancy is slightly decreased in this ejaculate.
Kind regards,
my wife one year before aborted after four months later we are plan for a baby my wife all reports are normal my reports are above please advice for treatment
Dear Kishore,
Good morning Kishore,
To carry out a new treatment, it is necessary to check with a doctor if everything is fine. So I recommend that you go to a clinic where a professional will give you an assessment and instructions to start over.
I wish everything goes well,
Warmest regards.
Hi, Dear Doctor,
Please see my following sperm Test result.
Abstinence days – 7 days
Ejaculation Analysis interval- 35 minute
Liquefaction-30 minute
Appearance- Clear
Volume: 2.0ml
Viscosity: normal
PH: 7.6
Total Sperm Concentration: 27 million/mL
Total Functional sperm concentration :2.8 million/mL
sperm motility Index : 76 million/mL
Progressive motility (%) : 32%
Normal morphology : 20%
Pus Cells : 0-2/HPF
RBC: Nil
Please tell me sperm is fertile or not?. If any more details required, please let me know.
Dear Mizan,
All the figures are normal.
Regards and good luck,
Dear Sir,
My recent Seman Analysis Report is as following
Last coitus : 10days
Volume : 3.5ml
Colour: Dirty White
Viscosity :thick
Time produced :1800hrs
Time examined :1815hrs
Sperm count :60 millions
Sperm motility at 15 mint: 50/30/20 (motile/slightly/nonmotile)
Sperm count at 1hrs: 40/35/25
Sperm count at 3 hrs: 30/40/30
Pus cells : 8…10 HPF
debris cell :Nil
Immature forms :Nil
Structurally abnormal heads :Nil
Abnormal Tails: Nil
My age 35men diabetic
Is need any medication for fertility to get kid
Dear Haroon,
All the figures reported look normal, no treatment should be required.
Good luck,
Hello Dr,
My semen test report is..
Abstinence days – 12 hours
Quantity- 02ml
Color – Yellowish
Viscosity -Normal
Reaction- Alkaline
Morphology-Sharpe and size-80% normal
Motility –
Motite- 60% afterh1/2 an houre
Nonmotile- 40% after 1/2 an houre
Total count of spaermatozoa =22 million/ml
E. CELL= 00-02/HPF
Am I fertile ? Am I capable to give my wife pregnancy. Please help me if any advice …
Dear Hasan,
Your figures look normal.
The presence of Pus cell HPF may be due to semen inflammation or infection, so it is recommended to rule out infection by performing a semen culture.
Good luck,
Hi Doctor,
My wife and I have started trying for a Baby for the last 02 months.
Beginning of February, I took a test and below is my Semen Analysis Report:-
Period of Abstinence – 3 days
Volume – 3.5 ml
PH – 8.5
Fructose – Detected
Color – Gray-white
Liquifaction – 30 minutes
Viscosity – Normal
Motility – 77
Motility-Progressive – 62%
Motility-Non Progressive – 15%
Motility-Immotile – 23%
Viability – 80%
Sperm Count – 145 million / ml
Normal Forms – 17%
Abnormal Forms – 83%
Head Defects – 71%
Tail – 10%
Short Tail – 5%
Curled – 5%
Impression – Normozoospermia
Concentration of Round Cells – 0.7 Million / ml
Please do advice if I am fertile and I am capable of getting my wife pregnant.
Dear Ahmed,
All your figures look normal.
Good luck,
Dear Madam,
My Semen Analysis report is as follows:
Physical examination*
Colour : milky white
Volume: 2.1ml
Liquefaction Time: within 35mins
Appearances : opaque
Viscosity : viscous
Chemical examination*
Reaction : Alkaline
Fructose : Positive
Microscopic examination*
Sperm Count : 67millions/m
Sperm Morality*
Good forward progressive at 1hrs. : 27
Sluggish forward progressive at 1hrs : 18
Non progressive at 1hrs : 55
Good forward progressive at 3hrs :21
Sluggish forward progressive at 3hrs :13
Non progressive at 3hrs. :67
Grade : ii
Abnormal Forms : 32 %
Normal Forms. : 68 %
Pus cells : 3 – 5 /hpf
Please advise what to do get my wife pregnancy.Please help me if any advice
Dear Vikky,
These figures look normal.
Warm regards,
Please check my seminal fluid analysis for doctor. pH 8 , volume 2.6 , colour grey, viscosity low, total 50. 0 , rapid progression 30 slow progression 20 immotile 40% crystals few, sperm count 23.2 mil , total count in ejaculate 60.3, morphology 80% ,
Dear Fred,
The figures reported look normal.
Good luck!
Sir can you please advise
Absistence more than 10 days
My semen analysis report
Viscosity thick
Ph alkaline
Total volume 2.0 ml
Pus cells 50-60hpf
Total count 40 million but it shows non mobile =100% dead …however patient didn’t have erection while sample was collected what do you suggest
Dear Sakib,
The spermiogram presents several altered parameters.
First of all the days of abstinent are excessive, it is not necessary more than 5 days.
There is a high number of Pus cells, which suggests a possible infection that could be the cause of the lack of motility of the sperm. It is necessary to make a culture of sperm.
The number of erythrocytes is also higher than normal, it could be due to infection or inflammation.
Consult a specialist urologist or andrologist.
Good luck!
Please tell me about my SA report ? Is it normal?
Duration of Abstinence: 03 (Days)
Liquefaction Time(min): Abnormal
Interval between start of ejaculation and analysis (before liquefaction) : 30 (Min)
Appearance: Creamy White
Consistency Normal
Volume 2.0 ml pH: 8.0
Fructose Positive
SPERM MOTILITY (%) (100 Spermatozoa)
a) Rapid Progression: 30%
b) Slow Progression: 10%
c) Non-Progressive Motility: 20%
d) Immotile: 40%
Agglutination: –
Vitality: –
Count / ml: 70 Million
Normal: 65%
Abnormal: 35%
Head Defects: 10%
Tail Defects: 15%
Neck & Mid Piece Defects: 05%
Cytoplasmic Droplets: 02%
Headless ‘Pinhead’ : 03%
Pus Cells : 2-4
Red Blood Cells : Nil
Epithelial Cells: 0-1
Miscellaneous : Nil
NOTE: Specimen taken at the Lab
Dear Saqib,
All the figures look normal.
All the best,
this my husbands SA report
liquefaction time-liquefied ccompletely in
30minuets at 37*C
sperm count-75 millions/ml
sperm motillity-80%motile at one hour of
(10%feeble,10%non motile)
sperm morphology-80%normal in size and
pus cell-15-20/HPF
Epithelial cells- 0-2/HPF
impression -Normozoospermia with secondary bacterial infection
plz tell me sir is my husbands report have any mejor problem…?& Is my husbands sperm is fertile for consive a baby…?
Dear Luchi
First of all I would like to highlight my mistrust towards the laboratory where you have performed those test. According to the way they show the results, it seems they don’t follow the criteria established by the World Health Organization regarding the sperm samples, especially regarding their motility and morphology.
The sperm volume is below the normal standards, as it should be >1.5 ml.
The sperm number is within the normal standards, but unfortunately I can’t properly assess their motility and morphology.
The most remarkable thing is the high number of pus cell-15-20/HPF, leucocytes or white blood cells founded. The leucocytes are inflammatory cells and their presence suggests there might be an infection. Suggestion is not a confirmation though, this is why it would be necessary to perform a sperm culture. In case of positive result, it would be necessary to perform the culture with the right antibiotics according to the antibiogram.
Kind regards
i got married two years back . As per my SA Report done last week below the details.
Volume : 1.5ml
Colour : Greyish white
Apperance : Viscid
Liquification time : 45min
Reaction PH : Alkaline 8.0
Fructose : present
RBC :Absent
Pus Cells : 0.48 mill/ml
Epithelial cells : Occasional / hpf
Normal forms : 70%
Abnormal forms : 30%
Sperm concentration : 48 mill/ml
total sperm count : 72 mill/ejaculate
Rapid progressive : 60
Moderate Pro : 10
Non Pro : 10
Non Motile :20
Impression : Normozoospermia.
Please advise what to do get my wife pregnancy.
Dear Ramakrishna,
All the figures reported are normal.
I recommend you to visit a fertility centre.
Good luck,
Why anything problem in my report
Volume: 3.0 ml
Colour:greyish white
Viscocity :normal
Liquefaction :30 mints
PH : alkaline
Sperm concentration : 50 millon/ml
Total sperm count: 100 million/ejaculates
Agglutination : present
Progressive motility : 20%
Non progressive motiloty : 20%
Non motile : 60%
Normal forms : 50%
Abnorman forms :50%
Pus cell : 1-2/HPF
Epithelial cells : 1-2 HPF
Spermatogenic cells : 1-2 HPF
RBC : nil
Impression : Normozoospermia
Madam i am okay if any suggestion and give advise
The spermatozoid percentage with progressive motility (a+b) is lower than normal (32%).
However, this deficiency is compensated by the total count of sperm, so the total number of sperm with progressive motility present in the ejaculated should be higher than the lower normality limit.
Therefore we can assume that the fertile potential present in the ejaculated should be normal.
Best regards.
Thank u madam
If any advise and consulat doctors from my side
Progressive (a+b) 32%
What is the above meaning madam
Please furnish full details madam
Plz tell me the above doubt madam don’t mine madam
Any problems in my semen test.
I m ok r not
My wife having HBsag – postive result
I apolgy nd request to u.
I want full details on the above HBsag if its effected get into pregnancy.
Dear Ramu
Having HBs Ag does not affect the chances of having a pregnancy.
Best regards
Thank you madam for best response.
Hi Sir/Madm,
can you please advice.
*VOLUME 1.5 ml
Opaque Opaque Manual Method
COLOUR Greyish White
Strip Method
96 millions/ml Microscopic Method
*a) Progressive motility 25 %
*b) Non Progressive Motility 35 %
*Total Motility (a+b) 60 %
Microscopic Method
Dear Raj,
The presence of “White Blood Cells per High Power Field (WBC / HPF)” suggests a possible infection, but to have a real diagnosis of infection you should perform a semen culture.
You’d better consult a specialist.
Volume – 3.0 ml, colour- greyish white, Viscocity- Viscid, Opaque, Liquefaction time -30 min, PH -8, Fructose- Present, Sperm concentration- 21.3 million, Total sperm count-63.9 million, Agglutination- Absent, Progressive motility- 8%, Non progressive motility- 14%, Non motile- 78%, Morphology: Normal forms -4%, Abnormal forms-96%, Sperm vitality: Live sperm-67%, Dead sperm-33%, Pus cells- 10-12, Epithelial cells:0-1, Spermatogenic cells:Nil, RBC- Nil, Impression: Normoasthenozoospermia with evidence of infection. Please tell me sperm is fertile or not.
Dear Muralidhar,
Even if the spermatozoa numbers is normal, there is a severe motility problem (8% of progressive motility, when a normal minimum would be 32%). Because of that, the probabilities of natural pregancy are dicreased. Furthermore, there is a number of leukocytes (pus cells), which indeed suggest a possible infection. Since an infecion can reduce the sperm motility, the first thing to do would be a semen culture for common germs, an ureaplasma and a mycoplasma.
All the best.
Any treatment for this, pls tell me
How to increased motility
Dear Muralidhar,
First thing to determine is see if there is a known cause that could be responsible for the motility dicrease. As I told you in my previous post, the rate of pus cells observed in your sperm are higher than usual. This could be due to a sperm infection . In order to rule out infection it is necessary to carry out a sperm culture. An infection could cause a dicrease in motility. Please check with a urologist- andrologist.
All the best.
I have explained my semen analysis report.
Volume 2.5 ml
Ph Alkaline
Sperm count. 130 mil/ml
Sperm motility
Actively. 40%
Feebly. 20%
Non motile. 40%
Sperm Morphology
Sperms abnormality. 55% (upto 30% abnormal )
Other cells
Leucocytes. 1-2/HPF
Epithelial cells. 1-2/HPF
Sperm clum. Absent
Fructose. Present
Comments. Normozoospermia with high morphological abnormality of sperms.
How is my repot? Please suggest me.
Good morning,
Your seminogram shows a 55% of abnormal spermatozoa, which indicates that you might have some difficulties to get your partner pregnant. Abnormalities in the spermatozoa morphology do not allow to properly pierce the egg and fecundate it. That is why I would suggest you to go to a centre specialized in reproductive medicine to make a selection of healthy sperm, freeze it and have it ready for a future implantation.
Best regards.
Thank you doctor.
I went to a specialist and she suggest me to eat Levocarnitine 300mg and vitamine E three months.
Is it sufficient to resolve this problem? Pls suggest me.
Dear Hafizur,
If you have been to a specialist that has suggested this treatment for the next 3 months, then it is probably the one that suits you best to solve your problem.
Follow his advice.
I hope everything will turn out alright.
Kind regards.
Hi Doctor,
my semen analysis Report abstain 4days
1: Volume : 02ml.
2: Liquefaction : Completely Liquefied (after incumbation at 37 c for 30 minutes.
3: PH: Alkaline
4: Sperm Count : 50million/ml
5: Sperm motility: 65% Activly motile,25% Feeble motile,10% non motile( motility within one hour of ejaculation.)
6: Sperm Morphology : 60% (sperm morphology within normal limits)
7: other cells :(I) pus cells (leukocytes) 2-5/HPF (ii) Epithellal cells 1-3 / HPF,(iii) Germ Cell- present (iv) RBC – Nill
8: Sperm Clumping : Absent.
9: Comments : Normozoospermis
Please Provide me proper solution & am I ok? to pregnant my partner.
Dear Abir,
The data in your seminogram indicates that you should not have any problem in getting your partner pregnant. According to WHO, a sperm with 20 million spermatozoa per ml. is considered normal (yours has 50 million/ml). Furthermore, over half of your spermatozoa have an optimal motility to reach the fallopian tubes and fecundate the egg (65% of motile spermatozoa in your sperm). That is why I can tell you that you havce a lot of guarantees to get to fecundate your partner’s egg.
I wish you all the best.
Pls tell me my below semen test is normal
1: Volume : 03 ml.__________
(Normal 1.5 — 5 ml
2: Liquefaction : Completely liquefied___________
(After incubation at 37 c for 30 minutes.
3: PH : Alkaline
4: Sperm Count : 55 million/ml
(Normal values 20 – 150 million/ml
5: Sperm Motility : 40 % Actively Motile 30 % Feebly Motile, 30 % Non Motile.
(Motility within one hour of ejaculation)
6: Sperm Morphology : 60 % Sperm morphology within
normal limits.
7: Other cells : (i) Pus cells (Leukocytes) 2-4/HPF
(ii) Epithelial cells- 1-3/HPF
(iii) Germ cells- Present
(iv) RBC Nil
8: Sperm Clumping : Absent.
9: Comment : Normozoospermia with hypomotility.
Good afternoon,
The only remarkable thing to comment from your report is the hypomotility of your spermatozoa. This will prevent in many occasions to get your partner pregnant, since a good sperm motility is a prerequisite for the spermatozoa to reach the fallopian tubes and fecundate the egg.
I would advise you to visit a reproductive medicine centre, so that a professional can evaluate and indicate what technique suits you better to get a sperm sample with the ideal motility to get a pregnancy.
Best regards.
Dear Sir,
My Report
Semen volume @ 3.0 ml
Semen color @ whitish
Semen consistency @ fluid
Ph @ not done
Sperm count @ 70millions/ml
Sperm Motility @ 70% actively, 20% feebly, 10% non – motile
Sperm morphology @ 60% normal
#Other microscopic findings
Epithelial cells @ present (0-2/hpf)
Pus cells @ present (2-4/hpf)
Rbc @ nill
Fat globules @ not seen
Is that normal for getting my wife pregnent?
Pls inform me while u seen this..
I m from Bangladesh..
With a lot of thanks…
Dear Bishawjit,
All analysed parameters are within normality, hence the probabilities of getting your wife pregnant are also normal.
Best regards.
Tnx a lot doctor…
This is the second examination report..
In my wife’s HSG test: Uretrus is addressed as anteverted. fallopian tube is free. Comments was Normal HSG. Is it okay for having baby as uretrus is anteverted.
Dear Miron,
An anteverted uterus does not affect in any case in order to get pregnant; it is simply the name given to the uterus when is in that position.
Best regards.
Spermatozoa count 29.4 mil
Motility 53%
Forward progression is poor
Normal forms 2%
We have been trying to get pregnant for a year and a half
Are these results a concern?
Dear Elisha,
The sperm quality is poorer than normal, hence the probabilities to get a natural pregnancy are diminished.
All the best.
Volume : 2.0 ml
Greyish white
30 minutes
pH 8.0
Sperm count 80 Millions/ml
Progressive motility 40 %
Non Progressive motility 20 %
Non motile 40 %
Normal forms 80%
AbNormal forms 20 %
Am I okay to make my partner pregnant?
Dear Mr. Ravi Chandra,
The result of your sperm analysis is completely normal, so yes, you can make your partner pregnant.
Best regards,
This is my Husband SA Report
Duration of abstinence: 04 days
Time of Collection: 03.25 PM
Time of Examination: 03.55 PM
Volume: 03 ml
Appearance: Normal
PH: 8.0
Total sperm Concentration: 82 Million/ml
Active Motile: 73%
Sluggishly Motile: 10%
Immotile: 17%
Normal Morphology: 70%
RBC: 1-3 /HPF
Pus Cells: 4-6 /HPF
Fat Globules: Nil
***Comment: Normozoospermia with evidence of gential tract infection
Mam Would you please tell me that is okey for getting pregnant?
Dear Suzana,
Theoretically yes, since the sperm analysis outcome is completely normal.
All the best.
This is SA Report
Duration of abstinence: 04 days
Time of Collection: 09.50 AM
Volume: 03 ml
Appearance: Light yellow
PH: 9.0
Total sperm Concentration: 95 Million/ml
sperm count :95 Million/ml
Motile Count :57 Million/ml
Active Motile: 60%
Progressive Motile : 15%
Non Progressive Motile : 21%
Sluggishly Motile: 24%
Immotile: 10%
Normal Morphology Forms:16%
Abnormal Forms : 84%
Head Defects : 27%
Acrosome Defects : 17%
Mid Piece Defects : 21%
Tail Defects :19%
WBC’s (1-2)
agglutination :Nill
Debris: +
gelatinous clumps :Nill
***Comment: Normozoospermia
Mam Would you please tell me that is okey?
Dear Masood,
Count and morphology are normal.
Motility is either not correctly expressed or the laboratory has gotten it wrong when transcribing the data: the sum of motile and immotile should be of 100%; in this case, it adds up to 70%, so there is a mistake there.
Progressive Motile : 15%
Non Progressive Motile : 21%
Sluggishly Motile: 24%
Immotile: 10%
Kind regards.
Thanks for your kind reply,i m really sorry it was typing mistake.
Correct Motility detail is
Progressive Motile : 15%
Non Progressive Motile : 21%
Sluggishly Motile: 24%
Immotile: 40%
please let me know about Motility and WBC’s also.
Dear Masood,
The count of WBCs is normal.
The percentage of progressive motility is diminished, since the normal value should be 32% or over that figure, and in your case it is 15%. However, you should take into account that this deficit is compensated by the total count of spermatozoa. If we stick to the inferior limits of your sperm analysis, 32% of 39 million in total would mean 12 million spermatozoa with progressive motility. In your case, this means 15% of 285 millions in total, hence 42 millions. A sperm analysis is not a categoric test to differentiate fertile from sterile, it just tells us about a bigger or smaller probability of pregnancy.
In fact, up to a 20% of men who do not have normal sperm analysis do manage to achieve a natural pregnancy. My advise would be that if after a year of unprotected sexual intercourse your partner has not achieved a pregnancy, then you should consult with an specialist.
I wish you all the best.
This is my semen analysis Report
Volume: 02 ml
Color : Grayish White
Reaction : Alkalin
Viscosity : Normal
Sperm Count: 70 Million/ml
Active Motile: 65%
Feebly Motile: 10%
Non Motile: 25%
Sperm Morphology: 85% Normal
RBC: nil
Pus Cells: 2-3/HPF
Epithelial : 0-1/HPF
***Comment: Normozoospermia
Mam Would you please tell me that is okey for getting my wife pregnant?
Dear Rana,
Estimado amigo:
Regarding the results of your sperm analysis and according to the parameters validated by the World Health Organization (WHO) I can tell you that the values of your analysis are within normal parameters, so that you should be able to get your partner pregnant if having regular sexual intercourse (2-3 times a week) without protection.
Kind regards.
Dear Sir,
My semen report is:
Quantity: 3.0ml
Color: Whitish
Viscosity: Viscid
Total Count: 80 million/ml
motility: Actively Motile: 40%
Feebly Motile: 20 %
Non-Motile: 40%
Clumping: Present.
Morphology: Normal 45%
Abnormal 55%
Pus Cells : 2-3/hpf
Epithelial Cells: 0-2/hpf
Comments: Normozoopermia with high morphological abnormality of sperm.
Mam Would you please tell me that is ok?
Dear Rashed,
The results of your seminogram indicate that everything is within the normal parameters.
Kind regards.
Hello Dr.Marisa
with due respect that I am from Bangladesh. Engr Ovi age 35 Male,I’m Married for last 6 years,I happy with my wife but we have no child/baby till now in spite of trying a new baby. I mention semen analysis report
Volume : 03 ml
Color : whitish creamy
Liquefaction : Completely Liquefied
Sperm Count : 70 million /ml
Active motile : 60%
Feebly Motile :20%
Non Motile : 20%
Sperm morphology -10% are abnormal (up to 30% sperm abnormal)
Epithelial cell :1-2/H.P.F
Pus cell : 3-4/H.P.F
Sperm clumping : Present
Opinion : Normozoospermia
Above explain my report Now please tell me your advise.I will be very much great full to you for your good thinking .Am i capable to give my wife a sweet baby
Dear Engrovi,
The possibilities of a natural pregnancy are less than normal, since there is a decrease in the sperm motility.
I would recommend you to go visit an andrologist, who will be able to tell you more and help you further.
All the best.
Hi Doctor
I am Miton Ghosh from Bangladesh facing problem regarding Normozoospermia with hypomotility. Please advice me how can I improve myself. My Semen Analysis Report is as follows:
Report Date: 17/09/19; Sex: Male; Age: 32Years
1: Volume : 04 ml.__________
(Normal 1.5 — 5 ml)
2: Liquefaction : Completely liquefied___________
(After incubation at 37°c for 30 minutes)
3: PH : Alkaline
4: Sperm Count : 40 million/ml (Normal values 20 – 150 million/ml)
5: Sperm Motility : 35 % Actively Motile 20 % Feebly Motile, 45 % Non Motile.
(Motility within one hour of ejaculation)
6: Sperm Morphology : 65 % Sperm morphology within normal limits.
7: Other cells : (i) Pus cells (Leukocytes) 2-3/HPF
(ii) Epithelial cells- 1-2/HPF
(iii) Germ cells- Present
(iv) RBC Nil
8: Sperm Clumping : Absent.
9: Comment : Normozoospermia with hypomotility.
Report done by: Dr. Md. Ehsanul HoqueMBBS, M.Phil (Micro)Associate ProfessorDepartment of MicrobiologyRangamati Medical College
Dear Miton,
“The World Health Organization manual for the processing of human semen- 2010” establishes the normal reference values for the different semen parameters. The laboratory where you have carried out your analysis does not use neither the correct terminology nor the reference values stated in the WHO manual. Once this is clear, if by active motility they mean progressive motility, the currently normal value is of ≥ 32% and you have a 35%, so you are within the normal WHO parameters. The rest of parameters do not have prognosis value, since the spermatozoa that can lead to a natural pregnancy are the ones with progressive motility.
I wish you all the best.
Kind regards.
Dear Doctor,
This is my report for semen analysis, please review and guide
Appearance: Creamy white
Consistency: thin
Volume: 2.5
pH: 8
Fructose: Present
Sperm Motility:
Rapid Progression: 10%
slow progression: 15%
No Progressive Motility: 15%
Immotile: 60%
Sperm count/ml: 51 million
Normal: 35%
Abnormal: 65%
Head defects: 20%
Tail defects: 15%
Neck and Mid piece Defects: 12%
Cytoplasmic droplets: 8%
Headless pinhead: 10%
Pus cells 1-2
Red blood cells: 1-2
Dear M Tamim,
Morphology and number are normal with a decrease in the percentage of spermatozoa with progressive motility (yours is 25% and the average would be >32%).
Kind regards,
Dear Doctor,
This is my report for semen analysis, please review and guide me.
Date of Last Coitus 07 Days
Appearance Whitish grey
Volume 02 ml
Consistency Thick
PH 8.1
Count/Concentration 110 million/ml
Pus Cells 23/HPF
Red Cells Nil
Epithelial Cells A few
%age Motility
Immotile 55 Non progressive 03
Slowly progressive 07 Rapidly progressive 35
%age Sperm Morphology
Acrosomal cap 65 Abnormal heads 10
Mid pieces 70 Tails 80
Dear Muhammad,
The sperm amount is normal. There is, however, a severe decrese of motility and morphology, which significantly reduces de chances of natural pregnancy.
Kind regards.
Dear Doctor
Please guide me about that problem and suggest me medicine
Best regards
Dear Muhammad,
I am sorry, I cannot suggest any medicine. I would advise you to attend a local doctor for this purpose.
All the best.
Dear Doctor,
This is my report for semen analysis, please review and guide me.
Abstinence period: 4 days
Liquefaction time: 20
Viscosity: Normal
Appearance: Normal
Smell: Typical
Volume: 6.5 ml —— PH: 8
Concentration: 19.5 Mio./ml
Total count result: 126.7 Mio.
Progressive: (WHO AB) 54%
Locally motile: (WHOC) 15.2%
lmmotile : (WHOO) 30.8%
Total motility: {WHO ABC) 69.2%
Normal forms: 4%
Head defects: 88%
Midpiece defects: 5%
Tail defects: 3%
Diagnosis: Normozoospermia
Good afternoon, Hamood:
The diagnosis on your report is Normozoospermia. That means that your semen follows the parameters of normality established by the World Health Organization.
Best regards.
Color. Milky White
Quantity. 2.3 ml
Reaction Alkaline
Viscosity. Viscos
Fructos test. Positive
Mucus Absent
Sperm Count. 61 mil/ml
Activity motile. 62%
Feebly motile. 26%
Immobile. 12%
Abnormal forms. 0-1%
Other cells
Epi cells Occasional
Pus cells 2-3 / hpf
Dear Vikas G,
Thank you for your trust. Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Dear Doctor,
This is my report for semen analysis, please review
Duration of Abstinence 5 days 2 – 7
Ejaculation – Analysis Interval 35 Minutes
Liquefaction 30 Minutes 30 – 60
Appearance Normal
Viscosity 1.0 Not more than 2 cm(thread
length) after liquifacation
Volume 6.0 ml
pH 7.6 >= 7.20
Total Sperm Concentration 49 Million/mL Not less than 15 Million/mL
Prog. Motility % 42 % Not less than 32%
Normal Morphologies % 27 % Not less than 4%
Motile Sperm Concentration (MSC) 20.5 Million/mL Not less than 4.8 Million/ml
Total Functional Sperm Concentration
9.0 Million/mL 0-1 poor, 1.10-2.0 medium, >
2.0 good
Sperm Motility Index (SMI) 132 Million/mL 0-40 poor, 41-50 medium, > 50
Pus cells 1-2 /HPF
Note: **Normozoospermia
Good morning, Mohammad:
The diagnosis on your report is Normozoospermia. That means that your semen follows the parameters of normality established by the World Health Organization. Best regards.
My Report is
qty; 2.3 ml
count: 90 million/ml
actively motile:35%
Weakly motile: 5%
Non motile:60%
Pus Cells:0-2/HPF
Epithelial Cells:0-1/HPF
Is it ok?
Dear Raju,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
dr. my semen analysis
volume: ABOUT 2.0ML
reaction: ALKALINE
viscosity: highly viscous
total count : 100million/ml
motility: active motile=60%
slowly motion=10%
Epithelial cells: present
comment: MOderate pyospermia
I Take tab; ( Ciprocin 500mg) 7day +next month 7day +next month 7 day. total 3Times but same problen. pls help us
Dear Mohammed,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
1:Volume : 02ml.__________ (Normal 1.5 — 5 ml)
2:Liquefaction :Completely liquefied___________ (After incubation at 37°c for 30 minutes)
3: PH : Alkaline
4:SpermCount: 100million/ml
(Normal values 20 – 150 million/ml)
5: Sperm Motility: 30 % Actively Motile 25 % Feebly Motile, 45 % Non Motile. (Motility within one hour of ejaculation)
6: Sperm Morphology: 75 % Sperm morphology within normal limits.
7. Other cells :
(i) Pus cells (Leukocytes) 1-2/HPF
(ii) Epithelial cells- 0-2/HPF
(iii) Germ cells- Present
(iv) RBC – Nil
8:SpermClumping: Absent.
Comments : Normozoospermia with hypomotility.
Is my sperm good and can I make my partner pregnant ???
Please give your comments on my report.
Dear Saiful,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Seminal fluid
Motility active:70%
Morphology normal:80%
Pua cell:-8-10/HPF
Dear Hussain,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Quantity 2.0 ml
Abstinence: 5 Days
sperm concentration 60 milliions/Ml
Actively motile 20%
Sluggishly motlie 40%
Non Motile 40%
Normal form 80%
Abnormal form 20%
Pus Cells 1-2
My Family doctor said … you are on border and need to take good food like nuts etc.
Dear Rao,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Quantity 1.0 ml, sperm count 18 ml and sperm concentrate 60%
Dear Raju,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
My Semen Report is:
Abstinence days – 2 days
Appearance – Grey Opalescent
Liquefaction Time – 30 min
Viscosity: Normal
Volume: 2.2 ml
Agglutination: 1
WBC Count: 0.2
Sperm Concentration: 58M/ml
Total Sperm Count: 128 M/Ejaculate
Total motility (%) : 30%
Progressive motility (%) : 16%
Non-progressive (%) : 14%
Immotile (%) : 70%
Sperm Morphology Normal: 1%
Sperm Morphology Abnormal: 99%
Remarks – Asthenoteratozoospermia
My age is 34 , Gender is Men.
Kindly conform any Problem or Not??
Dear Jas,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Physical Examination:
Quantity: 1cc
Colour: Whitish
Odour: Normal
Reaction: Alkaline
Microscopic Examination:
Total sperm count: 65 million/ml
Total Motility: 40%
Active Motility: 15%
Moderately Motility: 15%
Feeble Motility: 10%
Non Motility: 60%
Normal Morphology: 45%
Abnormal Morphology: 55%
Pus Cells: 10-15 / HPF
RBC: Not Found
Epithelial Cells: 10-12 / HPF
Round Cells: 2-3 / HPF
Debris: (+) HPF
Bacteria: Not Found
Am I fertile ? Or any problems ?
Dear Mahmudul,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
my semen analisysis report my age 34 volume ml2.0ml ph7.6 total count-85 milion/ml motility-60% rapid linar 30 slow linear 20 non progessive 10 immotile 40% marphology 65%abnormality 35%head20 tail and other 10 midpiece 05 pus cell 10-12/hpf epithelial cell 1-2/hpf round cell 6-8hpf rbc nil comment :normozoospermia with infection pls advice me i cannot consive baby
Dear Rasel,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
normozoospermia with infection pus cells 10-12hpf how to solived this
Dear Rasel,
I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist so that he / she can properly assess this diagnostic.
Best regards.
Kindly conform any Problem or Not??
Dear Rajesh,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Hi sir this is Thirumalai from India. Volume:2.0m Viscosity:normal PH:8.0(alkaline) sperm count: 112millions/ml Total sperm count:224millions Motility- Rapid progressive:35% slow progressive:40% Non progressive:25% Morphology:- Normal sperm:08% Abnormal sperm:92% Impression: Normozoospermia Based on the report is there any problem with me sir?kindly give suggestion sir.
Dear Thirumalai,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Hi Dr.
My Semen Analysis as below-
sperm motility :
Active, Rapid, Forward 10%
Feebly Motile 65%
Non Motile 25%
Morphology Normal 60%
Pus Cell: 1-3/HPF
Epithelial Cell: 4-5/HPF
RBC: Nill
Sperm Clumping : Absent
Primitive Germ Cell:(+)
Viscosity : Normal
PH : Alkaline
Please tell my condition by above info.
Dear Zisan,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Hello Dr.
Trying for a baby for almost 2 years now below are my semen analysis report details
Macroscopic Examination
Liquefaction Time 30 min
Color Off white
Consistency Liquefied
Volume 2.5 ml
Smell Normal
pH 8.0
Microscopic Examination
Count 130 million/ml > 15 mi l l i on/ml
Motility 75 %
Grade 1 00 % Rapid forward movement
Grade 2 65 % Normal forwa rd movement
Grade 3 08 % Sluggish forwa rd movement
Grade 4 02 % No forward movement
Acrosome Normal
Morphology (Kruger’s Strict Criteria) 14 %
Leukocytes: 0-1 /HPF Erythrocytes: /HPF Immature Cells: /HPF
Comments: Normo-zoospermic sample .
Dear Zak,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Thanks in advance.
We want to a baby. But my semen analysis report is
Volume- 3 ml,
Ph- Alkaline,
Liquefication- Completely alkaline,
Sperm count- 90 ml/ml,
Sperm motility- Active-10%, Feebly-10%, Non motile-80%,
Leukocytes- 10-12/HPF,
Clumping- Absent.
Now is it possible for me to pregnant my partner??
Dear Md. Shamim Rahman,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Dear doctor
My sperm test reports
Rapidly motile nil, sluggishly motile nil
Non motile nil
Normal and abnormal Nil
Then how to treatment this disease for me.
Good morning,
Due to confidentiality reasons and to fully personalise your diagnosis, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment.
Best regards.
Kindly say something about the to increase the progression
Good afternoon, Tamanna. Normozoospermia means that all seminal parameters are normal; if something is normal there’s no need to treat it. Best regards.
Comments-Normozoospermia with infection. what does it means? is it problem?
Good morning,
Infection can be normally treated with antibiotics. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to get prescribed the best course of treatment.
Best regards.
Dear sir,
Whether Liquefaction time more than 2.5 hours is an issue for pregnancy? If yes is there any treatment available?
Good morning. Unfortunately, we never comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to check the results of your semen assessment. Best regards.
Hi Dr.Marisa,
I am happy to see all your conversion with the questionnaire.
I am 30 years old and got married 1.5years back. My wife has an overweight (82kg/5.5ft) height and PCOS issue (both ovaries were diagnosed as big). my Wife has an irregular period which falls b/w 50-60 days (one cycle). We both started workouts, a proper diet, and taking more water also.
So, I also went for a semen test. my report came
Volume=2ml, WBC con=<1,pH=8.5, Debris=None/few<10%, Appearance=Normal, Viscosity=Normal, Liquefaction=Normal, Abstinence (days)=4, Fructose = Positive, Concentration=94.4M/ml, Total Motile PR+NP = 61%, Progressive Motility PR=50%, Non-Progressive Motility NP=11% (up arrow), Immotility IM=39% (up arrow), Normal forms=12%, Motile sperm conc.=57.1M/ml,
Prog. Motile sperm conc.=47.4M/ml, Sperm Motility Index=236, Sperm# (TPE)=188.8M/ejac, Motile sperm=114.2M/ejac…..
I don't know. why a baby is not forming? I went to many doctors and consulated. They even checked tube of ovary and egg tracking too.
Good afternoon, Malik. My advice is to do a first consultation with one of our specialists to get further information on the process:
Hlw Sir,
My Semen Analysis report is
Abstinence days – 5 days
Color – Whitish
pH: 7.6
Volume: 3.5 ml
Viscosity: Normal
Liquefaction: Completely liquefied
Sperm Count/ml: 15.0 million/ml
Actively motile (%) : 70%
Total (PR+NP) : (60+10)%
Non motile : 30%
Progressive (%) : 32%
Non Progressive (%) : 08%
Sperm morphology : Normal-70%, Abnormal-30%
Leucocytes : 1-2/HPF
Epithelial cells : 1-2/HPF
Fructose : Present
Germ cell: Present
Sperm clumping : Absent
Remarks – Normozoospermia
Here is my Semen Analysis Report. Kindly confirm any problem or not & My age is 25 , Gender is Men
Good morning, Shakil. Unfortunately, we cannot comment test results through this channel. However, a diagnosis of Normozoospermia indicates that everything should be fine, within normal parameters. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to get more details on the results of your semen assessment. Best regards.
Appearance: Whitish Grey
Gross Examination
Volume: 03 ml
Consistency: Thick
PH: 8.0
Microscopic Examination
Count/Concentration: 170million/ml
Pus Cell: 1-2/HPF
Red Cell: Nil
Epithelial Cells: A few
%age Motility
Rapidly Progressive: 70
Immotile”: 25
%age Sperm Morphology
Acrosomal cap” 70
Abnormal Heads: 10
Mid Pieces : 75
Tails: 85
Good morning, Mahmood. Unfortunately, we cannot comment test results through this channel. However, a diagnosis of Normozoospermia indicates that everything should be fine, within normal parameters. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to get more details on the results of your semen assessment. Best regards.
Dear one,.
Result(s) Biological Reference Interval Test Parameter CLINICAL PATHOLOGY SEMEN ANALYSIS ( Automated ) 10:10 AMSAMPLE COLLECTED AT 10:15 AMSAMPLE RECEIVED AT 2.5 ml> 1.4 – 1.7 mlQUANTITY Grey WhiteGRAY WHITISHCOLOUR 8.0>=7.2PH NormalNORMALVISCOSITY 30 min 31-34% [A+B = > 38 – 42%] A) PROGRESSIVELY MOTILE 20 %B) NON PROGRESSIVELY MOTILE 55 %C) NON MOTILE 35 %NORMAL FORMS – > 3 – 4 %NORMAL MORPHOLOGY 30 %A) HEAD DEFECTS 15 %B) MID PIECE DEFECTS 20 %C) TAIL DEFECTS <1< 1 million/ml
Result : Normozoospermia
Is this normal or not? For natural Fertility
Please let me know
Good morning, Prakash. Unfortunately, we cannot comment test results through this channel. However, a diagnosis of Normozoospermia indicates that everything should be fine, within normal parameters. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to get more details on the results of your semen assessment. Best regards.
Hello Dr.
The clinical analysis of semen
Volume- adequate
Colour- greyist white
Viscosity- normal
Liquification time-30min
Actively motile- 10%
Sluggishly motile- 5%
Non motile- 85%
Abnormal- 60%
Impression-normozoospermia with maximum are non-motile spamatozoa
Good morning, Hanif. Unfortunately, we cannot comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to get more details on the results of your semen assessment. Best regards.
Dear Dr.
Pls kindly assist me with this Semen Result
PH: 8.0
Volume- adequate
Colour- greyish white
Viscosity- normal
Liquification time-35min
Microscopy: pus cell:3-4/LPF, Epithelial cell:+seen
Morphology: Normal:60%, Abnormal: 40%
Actively motile- 20%
Sluggishly motile- 40%
Non motile- 20%
Non progressive 20%
Count: 26Million
Comment: suggestive of normospermia, however further evaluation with male hormonal
Luteinizing hormone: 4.39 mIU/ml 1-25
Follicle stimul hormone: 3.01mlu/ml 2-12
Prolactin: 6.65ng/ml. 1-23
Testosterone: 3.93ng/ml 2.2-10.5
Comment: All analytes are essentially within their respective reference intervals and limits.
Kindly assist and review results
Good afternoon and thank you for your message. Unfortunately, we cannot comment test results through this channel. I recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to get more details on the results of your semen assessment. Best regards.
I want to talk to you and I want to send a report about my condition, but I do not know whether there is an analysis scan here. Please respond, thank you.
Good morning and thank you for your message. Unfortunately, we cannot comment test results through this channel. In case you would like to receive an opinion on the results of your semen assessment, we recommend that you consult directly with an andrologist to get more details Best regards.
Dear Dr.
Pls kindly assist me with this Semen Result
PH: 7.9
Volume- adequate
Colour- creamy whitish
Viscosity- normal
Liquification time- 20 min
Microscopy: pus cell:4-5/LPF, Epithelial cell:+seen
Morphology: Normal:70%, Abnormal: 30%
Actively motile- 35%
Sluggishly motile- 15%
Non motile- 20%
Non progressive 20%
Count: 38 Million
Comment: suggestive of normospermia
Good afternoon and thank you for your message. Unfortunately, we cannot assess any medical reports through this channel. Should you wish to consult your case with one of our specialists, you can always book a first appointment by filling up this form: Best regards.