Fertility Experiences Archive

Claiming women’s freedom to decide

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending a meeting organized by the well-known magazine Marie Claire on the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary in Spain. They gathered 30 exceptional women in different fields. In my case, I was present as a representative of medical science. Together with them, I was able...

IgNobel Medicine Award

I have just arrived from Boston and I want to share with you my joy to have received this award that represents a recognition by these prestigious universities. It makes me particularly excited because they try to bring science closer to everyone in a pleasant and funny way. They treated us like heroes of...

Embryo adoption: The 1000 th baby is born!

The baby number 1000 of our Embryo Adoption Programme is born. We are very happy because Georgina is a beautiful girl and has come to see us in Barcelona. Watch this video: The Embryo Adoption Programme was launched in 2004 to give the embryos frozen in our center a possibility to live. From the...

Egg and Sperm Donors: Anonymous or Non-Anonymous?

Egg and sperm donors: anonymous or non-anonymous? In France, according to the new law that has just come into force, from now on only non-anonymous egg and sperm donation will be allowed. Children born through in vitro fertilisation with donor eggs or sperm will be able to know their identity when they reach the...

Musical ultrasound

The Spanish singer Soraya Arnelas uses Babypod daily during her pregnancy and she came to Institut Marques to perform a musical ultrasound. I will never forget the singer’s face of happiness. She herself recognized that in no other session had she seen those movements of tongue and mouth that the baby performed while hearing...

“I want to get pregnant now!”

When the publishing house Amat suggested me to write a book I thought it was a crazy idea and that I wouldn’t have enough time, but now that is published I’m over the moon. Especially because this book gives clear and reliable information about fertility, and therefore it can be very helpful to women...

Can music improve embryo implantation?

At Institut Marquès we continue asking questions about the benefits of music in the beginning of life. So, now we want to know if music can also help embryo to implant in the maternal womb. Thus, we are carrying out a study with patients from all around the world using Babypod. We want to...